Women who have bellybutton piercings, why did you get it and how do you feel about it now?

  1. I got it simply because I wanted it, loved having it for many years. Took it out 11 years ago during my first pregnancy, for some reason it’s never closed up but it doesn’t bother me

  2. Got it for fun, took it out a few years later. High waisted pants came back into style and it was at exactly the wrong height, kept getting agitated by my pants. I also have a lot of piercings and that was the only one that didn’t heal well

  3. I got it because it looked pretty. I would see other people wearing such cute/unique jewelry in theirs. I got it done at 18, I’m 22 now and still love it. It was a great healing process for me, and I can take it out for however long I want and it doesn’t close up. It’s the only piercing I have that’s not on my ears (I have around 11 I think?) I don’t regret it!

  4. Got it done after a break up when I was 18 now I’m 26 and still have it, I don’t think about it, just feels like part of my body, not sure what age I’ll feel too old for it!

  5. I got it for myself as a little treat about 3 years ago. Just thought it’d be cute! I was always too afraid of the pain, but it honestly hurts about as “bad” as getting an IV. I fidget with it a lot when I’m in deep thought. My ears hate most earrings, I don’t want my nipples or nose pierced, and a lip piercing messed my gums up in that spot. I love my belly button piercing.

    I did have to have it re-done a couple months ago after it was out for a year and a half. The bottom hole accidentally got the surgical glue when I had my fallopian tubes removed. Worth it, idc. Lol

  6. I wanted it and I enjoyed it when I was younger. Now, it’s long since been removed. I’m glad I had it once, and very glad to not have one now.

  7. I got one. I wanted to do something outrageous that most people don’t do. It lasted 6 months, my body rejected it. If it wasn’t rejected probably by now I would no longer be wearing it. It’d be in the way.

  8. Got mine when I was 14, had it for 15 years. It was fun shopping for jewelry. Needed an xray and took out all my piercings, and while looking in the mirror without nipple and belly button piercings, I decided I didnt want them anymore.… seeing my “natural” body without metal bars was a lot more appealing. I dont miss them.

  9. Got it done at 18 because I had lots of other piercings and I thought it would make me more confident with showing off my midriff. It did and I still like it at 32, I think it’s cute.

  10. Got it purely after seeing it on my friends and it looked so cool. It’s mostly for me, 98% of the people I know and interact with regularly don’t know I have it but I love that I do. Don’t think I’ll ever take it off. They did a great job and it healed fairly well for me. And hopefully one day if I lose the FUPA and gain some confidence, I’ll be rocking some low waist things.

  11. I got my bellybutton pierced the first time when I was 14 and again when I was 19, I’m in my early 30s now. I don’t mind it, I don’t wear jewelry in it at all and it hasn’t closed. It’s just there though.

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