My boyfriend is leaving his job. He refused to tell people he worked with about me and we’ve been dating about a year. He said it was because he is a really private person and we have some overlap in the industry.
I’ve said that he doesn’t have to tell people who I am but even say he has a girlfriend would be fine. He sort of pretends he is single.

Whatever it’s fine fast forward to his last day of work and he tells me his female coworker gave him a nice goodbye letter. It’s the same girl who will text and call him with mental breakdowns about their job at 9pm. This girl needs him for just about everything, lots of reassurance. She’s 25. I just can’t tell if I should be concerned, or if I’m overthinking it, so I need outside input. She writes.

“I cannot believe we are at the point where I cannot teams you at random points of the day or go lounge on your couch and chatter your ear off. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have met you and learned from you. You have kept me sane during wild times, and during the times that were not wild and I thought they were. I am going to sorely miss all your wisdom, perspectives and quips. Your viewpoints are really insightful whether you are talking about red states or icecream and locations of Arizona, Idaho, or other mysterious states. From wet vs. dry food, to frog vs. rat and ridiculous memes to genuinely intellectual conversations. I’ve loved every single minute of it. I would prefer for this to be a “see you later”. Please don’t be a stranger, you know where to find me.”

Tldr: is this appropriate for my boyfriend’s coworker to write to my boyfriend given the context of him not wanting anyone to know he has a girlfriend?

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