how many times a week are you making plans with friends, and how old are you?

  1. I’m 24 years old and with work, school, and the basic responsibilities of adult life, I find myself pretty exhausted most of the time. Socializing more than once a week feels like a lot for me. If I don’t actively plan at least one hangout per week, I could easily go a few weeks without seeing anyone outside of my usual routine. I’m quite introverted and enjoy my own company, which is just how I navigate life.

    I sometimes worry if I’m being terrible by preferring less frequent socializing, but my friends tend to make it seem like something’s wrong or strange if you’re not hanging out with them almost every day. Personally, I feel comfortable seeing my friends around 3-5 times a month. I understand the importance of compromise, though, and I know that relationships require some flexibility.

  2. 18, maybe like 1-2 times week. The most times it’s during exams time because we study together.

  3. I’m 26 years old

    I live with a good friend of mine and since we’re roommates we often chat in the evening or during lunch when we’re both working from home, as well as on the weekend, but we only properly hang out once a week on average, sometimes less.

    I have calls with my girlfriend 3 nights a week, so that also keeps me pretty busy after work.

    I am part of a choir and we rehearse once a week so every Sunday I also see a group of like 10 people who I’m casual friends with.

    Usually I try to have one other good friend hangout during the week, usually on Friday evening or on Saturday. There are weeks where there’s more like 2, which is fun unless I’ve had a very tiring week, and weeks where there are no other friend hang outs but that makes me sad when it happens.

    I like alone time and need it to recharge, but I also have very close friends who I love and like to see often. Sometimes I feel too tired and regret making plans, but I do want to take care of these friendships

  4. On average, 0. Once a week would feel like a lot for me, and coordinating schedules can be tricky, so I’d say maybe once or twice a month at this point in my life. (47) Most of my close friends aren’t local to me at this point, so my local socializing availability tends to be once a month or so. If it was once a week, I’d be skipping some of those for scheduling or personal time instead for sure.

  5. I’m 35. I make plans to see someone maybe once or twice a month, but I still hang out with friends in online games 2-4 days a week, and I usually meet up with/run into people more randomly at events, bars etc. weekly.

    I’m not introverted, but I’m not a planner. I need to be able to be spontaneous right up until I’m supposed to go somewhere, and I can’t stand feeling obligated to be somewhere or meet with someone. I love seeing people I know, but not on a schedule, and I’ve been careful to only stick with people who feel the same way.

  6. Zero. Plans are made about once every 3 months and even then they may be cancelled(for legit reasons). I’m 30 and my friends are busy with SO’s and kids. I want to meet more often but I also don’t because I’m the single friend with no kids.

    I want to do single girl things and they can’t in this stage of their life.

  7. 40s, school-age children. 

    Week? WEEK?! 

    I’ve been trying to meet up with two of my friends since *October* but we keep having last-minute work clashes. 

    I have seen another friend for coffee at my house, but only because our children are besties so it was effectively a playdate.

  8. I’m 32 and antisocial. I live with my bf. I have enough socialization from him. Haha

  9. 0. Between work, housework, trying to keep healthy and visiting family I just have no time and they all live at least 70 miles away.

  10. 18 first year uni student. Before it was like once a week every Friday. Now with exam season, not as often.

  11. 44. I have a weekly scheduled kick it session with my best friends.

    We also try and have lunch in the middle of the week.

    Message/text/phone call/evening FaceTime session on a daily basis with my super significant other.

  12. so i’m 25 and make plans at least 1-2x a month. my husband on the other hand is 25 and makes plans at least once a week! he’s more social than i am and his friends have more free time. my friends are very busy with their jobs so it’s very sporadic when i can see them lol

  13. 37. Daily and also zero. I have a regular bar I play pool at, and usually stop by after work. So I socialize every day. But oh god, planning to meet up with an actual friend and make a thing of it….like almost never.

  14. 36 years old, and it gets pretty difficult to make plans with my friends. Different lives, different areas, we mostly just stay in touch through whatsapp. Still, we do make the effort to host some get together at least 2-3 times a year. These usually involve them staying over for a few days. With my best friend, I do try to schedule even more meet ups. We live about 3 hours apart from each other, so we tend to meet in the middle for a day trip for another 2-3 times of the year. Other than that… I have to start aliquotting time for my daughter as well. She is starting to socialize with her peers more at 4 years old. So some weeks are dedicated to her playmates as well.

  15. I’m 28 and see my friends once every 2-3 months. I spend most of my time with my SO and family. Although I would categorize my SO as my best friend and we spend the majority of every day together (we live together).

  16. …a week? 😅 I’m 33 and outside of a biweekly standing D&D night, I would say I see friends socially maybe 1-2 times a month.

  17. 30s few times a week? Usually we get together once or twice a month on a Saturday morning so we can hang out with our partner or do other things on the afternoons. but my best friend and I do hang out more than that. We usually end up having dinner once or twice during the week. We are both in relationship so usually one of those two is a double date. My partner plays board games with his friends usually on the dates I hand out with my best friend. The rest of the time in the afternoon are either for me to work on my crafts or spend quality time with my partner.

  18. Monday to Friday I generally get together with my best friend at least twice a week, often three times. Thursday is 98% of the time a guaranteed day, and if not we make a replacement day as it’s a usual thing that we get together on Thursday. Saturday, we usually see each other whether at night or during the day. Other friends are sprinkled in usually at least once a week, though sometimes it all just compounds onto Thursday. Sunday, sometimes I’ll see him briefly. but we usually spend that with our families fo the most part.

    I’m 35.

  19. I’m 26, married and childfree. I would say 1 to 2 times a week. On Wednesdays, my husband goes to the game store to play tabletop games with his friends and I get dinner with my girls from hs. On Fridays we play D&D with different hs friends but one is in a multiple bands, so often has to cancel for gigs.

    Sometimes when D&D is canceled, the rest of us get together anyway to do hobby related things together like crocheting or painting models. Other times, I reach out to my other friends and go shopping

  20. Usually once a month. Twice a month would be lucky since they also have other friends they see.. I live with a flatmate so I have someone to speak to, but we don’t socialise together. I’m in my mid 30s.

    When I lived in a different city last year, it was normal to see friends more than twice a week… I miss that.

  21. 30 years old. Usually 1, or 2 social plans, whether friends or family, a week. Sometimes 3. Sometimes 0, but I actually have to plan to not plan anything once awhile.

    I have friends that I see once a month, once every two weeks on average, or once a year.

  22. I’m 22. It depends on the time of year. Sometimes 0, we’re all busy! But most of the time at least once or twice a week. Even little things, like grabbing a coffee, lunch, drink, etc, just to keep up to date!

  23. 32 and I’m doing something social every single day, but it varies with regards to commitment.

    On days where I want low commitment I have a virtual hangout. It’s generally a few hours of FaceTime with family or a voicenote ‘podcasting’ session with friends, or attending my writing group online.

    High commitment is usually a physical hangout, which I do every other day after work + I spend almost every single weekend with friends. Maybe I have a Sunday to myself once a month.

    I’m an extrovert and I generally like to dedicate a good few hours to socialising every day to make sure I don’t get sad because I work online and don’t want to feel isolated.

    That being said, I spend the first few hours of my day totally and completely unplugged (aside from work) and if im tired then everyone is being ignored until I feel up to hanging out. Also helps that I’m single and child free, so I have total and complete control over how I want to use my time.

    Editing to add – I actively schedule my life to ensure I always have plans. They’re generally all made a week or two ahead 🙂

  24. 27F and I barely make plans because I’m too tired from work. Also it’s too expensive to do anything right now.

  25. In my mid 30s. I’d head out with some subset of my friends usually once a week. Sometimes we’ll want to avoid the pub but then we might go to the cinema or dinner instead. 

    The longest I’d go without socialising with a friend would be 2 weeks max. 

  26. 30s. Once a week, I wish it could be a bit more as the single friend and I do need to find people up for things more wid week – yoga classes and such!

    I will also say I am not seeing the same people once a week every week, instead I’m seeing different friends / groups throughout the month. So on average catching up with each person / group once a month or every other month.

  27. I’m 44. 0 times a week, but I talk/text with a couple of friends regularly – one bestie lives in another state, another is nearby but has a very different life (I’m single, no kids, she’s married/has a kid) so texting is the easiest way to keep in touch. Another friend is in the area but works insane hours so it’s a crapshoot on availability lol – maybe every other month for dinner or drinks, which is fine. I’m pretty introverted anyway, so I like my personal space 90% of the time but it sucks when the social side of me wants to do something and no one is available.

  28. I’m 27. Between 1-4 times a week. It varies a lot. One weekend we might only do happy hour but the next we might make plans Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I also do mid week happy hour with colleagues I consider friends, so counting that as a potential 4th plan because some weeks it really is a plan heavy week.

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