What are your thoughts about your partner disliking it when you say poop/poo etc?

  1. If my grown-ass partner can’t handle the word “poop,” I’d rather be single.

  2. There’s a very bizarre interview of Michael Jackson where he uses the phrase “doodoo feces”, so I tend to say that. Just so weird.

  3. I would think I’m dating a child, and tell them I’ll say whatever I’d like a say, how I’d like to say it.

  4. What’s the context here?

    Is the partner disliking that the person says poop/poo instead of shit?

    Or is the partner not liking poop/poo/shit mentioned in conversation/jokes?

  5. I sure hope he doesn’t dislike it, because every time he asks me what I’m doing my answer is always “poopin”

  6. I wouldn’t date someone who can’t handle discussions about normal bodily functions.

  7. Dude needs to spend some time on a farm. Or with young children. Poo, poop, shit, crap, manure….

  8. lol. My guy is this way. Sometimes it makes my eyes roll. But it’s the manners he was raised with.
    I will occasionally say it for a reaction since it’s an easy way for me to get a good laugh at his expense. 😈

  9. Just blow up the relationship by switching to SHIT and CACA. They clearly need some stress exposure.

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