I’ve had it. We haven’t had any romance or sex for years. I’ve tried counselling, romantic evenings, spa days, get-away vacations. You name it, I’ve tried it.

I finally filed for divorce and served her papers on 4/12/2024. I just can’t live without any romance or touch. It’s caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety. It’s like living with my sister. We even have separate beds, because she says she sleeps better.

It’s going to be a mess of a divorce. I own a couple of businesses and we own 2 houses together.

She wasn’t mad or surprised when I served her. We have brought it up a couple of times and decided against it.

I am just wondering how I can make it through this without going nuts. I still love her, I just can’t keep living like this.

What can I do to make this go smoother, or is that just a pipe dream?


My wife has a lot of assets as well. I brought a home into the marriage and we bought one together. Neither one of us needs to rake the other over the coals to survive. We have been communicating during the weekend and have come to a pretty good division of assets. She has money she inherited, and I have two businesses that I built from ground up into multi-million dollar a year businesses. She wants what she inherited and the smaller of the two houses. I’ll keep my businesses and the bigger house. Both houses are worth about the same and her inheritance is close to the market value of both of my businesses. I think once this whole mess is behind me, I am going to sell my businesses and retire. I have already had offers on both, so the sale would go quickly. We have other assets to divide, but I think we can agree on them. I get the dog and she gets the cat. That is their choice.

My lawyer agrees with a mediator. My wife has only met with her lawyer once. I have been meeting with mine for a couple months. I have been planning this for over a year. I got appraisals done on both houses and have offers in hand on both businesses. I didn’t take this lightly. It is going to change my life, but currently we are more like roommates than husband and wife. I’m active in the community and martial arts. She is into her job and the community.

Wish me luck.

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