I was asked to fill in for someone who was scheduled to present at a meeting this week but was out that day. I was sort of brought in last minute and kind of given scattered information. I asked my manager straight up the day before, “what do you want me to cover” and they listed such and such from the notes I was given from the individual that could not attend – all good eh?

So I get to the presentation with about 100 other team members and I can see that everyone has gone through great detail in their slides and mine is literally maybe 4-5 minutes long compared to some that are 15-20min.

I don’t have really have a fear of public speaking but I do have a problem with not really knowing what’s expected of me and just sort of being tossed to the wind. So because of that I feel that if im to compare to the other employees my slides and info wernt good and I just zipped through them.

Also people sent me messages later to tell me how good of a job I did, which I feel is total BS and just something people say when things went bad lol? Just really feel bad that I think I missed that mark here and in such a public setting, I hate the feeling of looking amature.

Am I over thinking?

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