REPOST: sorry I instantly forgot my password to my other throwaway account.

Me and my boyfriend have been together since I was 16. We were each other first for everything. A couple of times over the years I’ve had a nagging voice in my head that I need experience different people and different things and explore more. I’ve suggested to him a few times over the years that maybe we should be a little bit more experimental and maybe try a threesome either with another man or a woman. He said I was enough for him and he didn’t want anyone else.

Well as you’ve probably guessed that wasn’t strictly true. Two years ago I caught him red handed in his car having sex with another woman. She told me it had been going on for a few months and she’s actually met him through her friend who he was also sleeping with.

We sat down and spoke about it after and he said he loves me but feels like he needs to explore a bit more before he settles down. I have had these same thoughts so decided to forgive him but said we need to do something more whether it be as a couple of open the relationship up. He agreed and said once he was ready he’d let me know and we’d do it.

It’s been two years now and everytime I’ve brought it up hes shot it down and said now is not the right time. I’m that desperate to feel the touch of someone else and experience something new that I even got in touch with the woman he cheated with and asked her to join us. She agreed but he said no.

I’m desperate now and I’ve had enough. I want to experience new men, women, experiment with a bit of group fun, have sex somewhere other than in our bed with the lights off. Im bored of him on top for thirty seconds and that’s it. I want to have some fun!

Do I give him more time to try and get his head around this or is just time to go?

Tldr: Boyfriend cheated and agreed to open our relationship and also try new things. He hasn’t done any of that and says he’s not ready two years later. Is it time to leave?

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