I have been quite stressed at work for the last week or two and when I finished last night I just wanted to relax and watch tv, play video games etc. I was quite burnt out and just needed to recharge. My girlfriend comes home and starts complaining about a lot of things.

She’s complaining about the state of our town, complaining about work, complaining about how the job she’s just been offered haven’t been in touch with her yet, talking about us moving apartments in a few months etc. I explained to her that I was feeling burnt out and just wanted to chill out tonight and those conversations were a bit too heavy. I mentioned that I’m off work tomorrow so we can talk about it then.

She doesn’t listen and keeps talking about it and expecting me to respond so I repeat that I’m burnt out and just want to relax. She accuses me of not listening to her and not responding to her. I just pointed out that I had told her I needed to relax and that I’d talk about it the following day since it was nothing urgent that needed to be discussed there and then.

She just says she’s not asking for much and that I should be fine with discussing what she was trying to discuss and that she wasn’t asking for much but I just repeated that it was not urgent and that I’ll be happy to discuss it with her tomorrow. How would you handle this?

tl;dr I was quite stressed and burnt out with work and just wanted to relax. My girlfriend came home and kept complaining about pretty much everything. I explained I was burnt out but would talk about them tomorrow but she wouldn’t listen and still kept talking about them. When I repeated I didn’t really want to discuss the topics at that time she said I was not listening to her and dismissing her. How would you handle this?

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