What peculiar steak preferences do you have that people might raise an eyebrow to?

  1. I like to have the perfect bite. Which includes the steak dipped in sauce and whatever else is on my plate….

  2. That I find it utterly disgusting, quite a few people just cannot accept it, they insist i just never had a properly cooked steak

    Thing is, I LOATHE the texture of pink meat I cannot put it in my mouth without ruining my appetite and wanting to spit it out as fast as I can, obviously well done is also wretched in texture, PLUS i just dont like the flavour of most meats, plus the smell when cooking a steak (I do for my partner) is just gross and off putting

    I use a lot of seasoning in meatballs for instance, if it tastes too much like beef I dont like it flavour wise

  3. I used to eat my steak ‘blue’. My dad would tell them I was raised by wolves and I was transitioning to human life

  4. Blue rare or raw steak variants are my jam. Rarely eat it anymore, but I have lost my taste for the cooked stuff.

  5. I’ve only ever had 1 good steak when eating out. All of the other steaks I’ve had I felt like I could make a better one at home. This is after trying everything from a $15-$90 steak, ones that were perfectly marbled or with fat just as a strip, T-bone/Rib-eye/Sirloin etc.

    The one good one was around $35 and I still have dreams about it.

  6. Smothered and covered in sautéed mushrooms. Frankly I’ll get the steak to go, I’m dining on those mushrooms.

  7. A tenderloin cooked right in between med-rare and medium. A little bit of red juice, but not much. Thick, but not à base-ball steak. Heavily seasoned outer crust and super soft inside. I’m so damn picky about my steak, basically only my husband can cook one for me. Also, 4oz is a bit too small and 6oz is too much, but no one sells a 5oz steak lol!

  8. I don’t eat, I dont like it 😭I only like beef with bready things like cheeseburgers

  9. i dont like steak because fat in meat makes me feel like i gotta hurl so i only eat chicken breast and ultra controlled meat i either see being made or made myself

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