To begin, I fully expect some of you to think I’m being ridiculous about this. About a month ago, my husband and I met a recruiter for a modeling agency through a mutual friend. She mentioned that she was actually looking for a male model who looked exactly like my husband, and asked if he would be interested. We didn’t think it was serious and he said “sure” thinking we would never hear from her again. Fast forward to last Friday, I got a message from her on Instagram. I guess she found me through our mutual friend, and she said she would like to get in touch with my husband and asked for his phone number. I guess she called him this morning, and they talked and she offered him a photo shoot in May that would pay $9k. The thing is, it would be with a female model and they would be posing together, holding each other, and she described it to him as basically an engagement announcement photo session. I really, really don’t want him to do it. The immediate jealousy I felt and the frustration that he actually considered this a viable option has cooled down now, but still I can’t imagine photos of him with another woman being plastered all over magazines. I asked him how he felt and he said “It seems the same as being an actor.” so basically he has no problem with it, but won’t do it if I don’t want him to. I know I seem crazy, because $9k is nothing to sneeze at, but I just really don’t want him to do this.

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