what do you think of Cops forcibly removing Hijabs off Mulsim girls’ heads, in public?

  1. It’s assault for sure, and possibly a form of sexual assault, given that it’s the forcible removal of an item of clothing worn for reasons of modesty. (I’m not Muslim, so I could be wrong about whether it’s considered clothing, I guess)

  2. I think that’s a violation of freedom of religion (assuming this is in any country with that protected as a constitutional right) and those cops need to be held accountable and given training on why that is unacceptable.

  3. I’m opposed to grown men being allowed to forcibly strip clothing off of girls or women

  4. Muslim man here , the act when done publicly and done specially by a man, without consent is considered sexual assault in our communities ( like a man forcibly pulling down your pants or removing your shirt/top without consent ) … the act was done in public to humiliate her …

  5. This happened once in Australia and we passed a law stating only female police officers can do this in privacy. I think it should be recognised as a form of assault. 

  6. I’m against all forms of police violence and harassment, especially those that target marginalized communities.

  7. Unveiling is just the same as forced veiling: men dictating, often violently, what women can or can’t wear. In Damascus, women who wore veils were assaulted in what is now called the “rape of Damascus”, Iranian unveiling lead to women (especially the elderly) landing in the hospital with heart attacks and the Soviet union straight up told local Uzbek soldiers to murder any woman they saw wearing paranja.

    I don’t agree with the values veils stand for whatsoever, but I still think women should have the freedom from both their personal situation and the government to wear whatever they want, be that absolutely nothing or a full burqa.

  8. It’s disgusting. What gives them the right to rip a hijab off of someone’s head in public? It’s disgusting, it’s assault, and it’s humiliating.

  9. It’s bad and it should not happen and cops who do it should be punished.

  10. So public sexual assault? Sounds right for police.

    Hijabs are considered necessary coverage in many cultures. Forcibly removing it would be like forcibly removing a girls shirt or pants. Removing someone’s modesty cover is sexual assault. It’s absolutely not okay and should never happen.

  11. Well, here in the US that would violate their 1st amendment rights on freedom of religion.

  12. I feel like no person at all should be able to forcefully remove someone’s clothing item whatsoever!

  13. Not Muslim, but I do cover my hair/crown for other reasons, by choice.

    Additionally, there are some other religions (mostly orthodox married jewish ladies, some sikh women, certain pagans, and those in the christian headcovering movement) who cover as a requirement or choice and deal with ignorant people assuming that fabric on head = Muslim.

    And then there’s the teens & women going through chemo or other alopecia issues who opt for a comfy fabric scarf over a hot & scratchy wig or beanie.

    As I understand it, forcibly removing a Hijabi’s scarf is akin to forcibly removing all her clothes. It’s assault, plainly. As well as a violation of their religious rights.

    If the cops can take a non-muslim woman to a private room with a same gender officer for strip searches, I see no reason why that same dignity is not granted to Hijabis (besides the obvious power trip).

    And you know there’d be public outcry and changes if a cop forcibly removed a white, christian Granny’s chemo scarf because he thought she was Muslim and fun to harass.

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