This morning I stayed home from work. I didn’t say anything to him because it was a last minute, my debilitating cramps are going to kill me, kind of thing. My husband came home from dropping our kid off at daycare (he usually goes straight to work). He asked me if I was going to work today and I said no, I have cramps. He seemed put out. When I asked if he was going in to work, he said he was going to work from home but that he’d just get going instead and head to the office. Ok. Whatever. He went downstairs and watched TV for an hour or so. When I went downstairs to eat and take my meds, he got up and started getting ready. I asked him about it saying I thought he was going in, why was he still here? He gets irritated and says he wanted to work from home and have alone time without anyone questioning him. And this is why he wasn’t staying home to work even though I was upstairs laying down. He said he wanted a morning where no one was around and he could get calls and stuff done without any interruptions. Keep in mind, again, I was planning to lay in bed and rest. He said he didn’t want to have to answer to anyone, not even me. I’m just having trouble grasping why he doesn’t want to answer basic questions. This isn’t the first time he’s said he doesn’t want to have to answer to anyone, even me. Why bother being married if you hate having to answer to them?

I don’t think he’s cheating. Our house is a mess because kids and everyday life and he doesn’t even want friends over when it’s all cluttered as it is. He also doesn’t have time with his work lol. What do I do? Should I just let it go?

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