How do you keep an exercise schedule as full time moms that also work full time?

  1. I get up by 5:45 before anyone else is awake, have a cup of coffee, and work out. Then I’m done and relaxing with more coffee when my family rolls out of bed.

  2. I go to the gym after work. My husband sorts dinner and I eat when I’m back. I sometimes go on my lunch break if I’m WFH.

  3. Dedicate a specific time every day. I go at 5 or 5:30 pm every day for 1-2 hours, even if I have to go back to work after. Make sure you have a sitter or someone to stay with the kids while you go. It has to be part of your schedule that is non negotiable.

  4. Wake up early -4:45am, or do it after the kids bed time.
    I do CrossFit and take jui jitsu and workout 5-6d a week

    I also communicate with my husband very clearly what I need for me to be happy.

    I am my first priority. Then my husband/marriage, and then my kids. If I’m not happy then none of the other relationships in my life will be good either and someday my kids will leave my home (I hope) and it will be me and hubs.

  5. I admitted that I would never go to a gym, as an introvert, as often as I would work out at home. Bought a Peloton and weights. 

    I get up early, (4 am (work starts at 7:30 am)) and since I’m the only one up, there are no distractions. 

    I also drink pre-workout, which serves two functions: One, of course, the caffeine to wake me up. And, two, I’m so damn itchy after drinking it that I HAVE to work out. 

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