Cross post from r/sex

Throwaway account bc my family knows my username.

Like the title says my wife (30f) fingered my (31m) ass for the first time a couple of years ago and it was incredible. She initiated it after reading about prostate massages and she could tell that I loved it, but instead of enjoying the pleasure she gave me she called me “gay boy” after I came. Ever since then any time I bring up any ass play on me or her she gets super uncomfortable. Now, there have been times where she has enjoyed me eating her ass, even to the point of cumming from me rimming her ass and fingering her vaginally. There have also been one or two instances where she has eaten my ass and seemed to enjoy it but it’s only ever been when she’s personally feeling extra adventurous, never when I ask her to and she will never talk about it with me afterwards. I’ve tried talking to her many times outside of sexual situations on why she thinks it’s “gay” for me to enjoy ass play but she never elaborates and shut downs and won’t talk to me whenever I ask. Obviously enjoying ass play doesn’t make anybody gay and it’s frustrating for me that we can’t even have a conversation about it. I am also very aware of my hygiene down there and always keep it clean, always shower before sex and always keep the hair shaved and trimmed.

I would love to incorporate more ass play into this relationship but am having a hard time getting her to open up about it. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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