Hi all, I (28f) was in arrears with my council tax last year and set up a payment plan with them directly. I have consistently been paying double what I should be in order to clear the balance. Anyway, I came home today to a hand delivered letter from a company called Rundles claiming I must pay the balance or they will take possession of my items. I called the number straight away and the rudest, most egotistical asshole of a man answered and was so awful (although comical) telling me he’s going to take my car. I was very pleasant with him at first and told him I felt there had been a mistake, but he was shouting at me telling me I am irresponsible etc. I asked why I wasn’t made aware of the payments and he told me it’s my job to check it has left my account each month (fair enough, checked my account and it had gone out). Anyway he basically told me he is going to collect my car and I asked him which car I have (because there is no way someone so unprofessional and rude is legit), he couldn’t answer. So I basically laughed down the phone at him and wished him luck. Can he really just take my car when I haven’t even been notified of payments being missed?

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