How is life like in tech, law, medical, finance/business fields?

  1. I am in college studying engineering(tech) with friends in medical(doctor) and other fields. I want to know what life is like for people in these careers.

  2. I’m in STEM. It is manageably stressful for sure. Pays really well. No complaints except maybe wanting a better office environment.
    All the best to you 🙂

  3. I am doing my PhD in computational biology. The worst part is the people. One of the best parts is the people too.

    It is a lot of stress and some days (or even weeks) are crushing, but I always know it’s worth it. It’s endlessly interesting and I love tackling all of the problems coming my way. Not the people-related problems, but even those are just a necessary evil that, while far from pleasant to deal with, you will manage one way or the other. (Although it’s often *the other* and that’s aggravating.)

    I’d love to say that this is my dream field and everything is roses and I wake up with a smile every day… but I don’t. I know I am privileged to do this, though, and I love what I do, but the stress grinds you down over time and it’s almost impossible to take a break. It’s more like *you* will break every now and then, but that’s also where the good people come in: they will help you because they’ve been there and know what it’s like. The grind is unfortunately part of it, but with a PhD, it’s also something you have to take responsibility for because it’s what you wanted and although you have doubts sometimes, you just have to keep faith in that it’ll end up well eventually. That you got this and it’s going to be an amazing achievement you’ll be proud of for the rest of your life.

    Sorry for the rambling. I often let myself get away from me, lol. I guess in summary it’s a grind that is usually manageable, but sometimes breaks you down temporarily, but even in those moments you have to cling to the knowledge that it’s all going to be worth it.

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