What genuinely makes you mad?

  1. Cynical people

    I love life, I love my friends, my family, my job, my country, my house, my everything

    Feels like 99.9% Of people I meet just absolutely hate life, and it gets old hearing people complain 24/7 about how much everything sucks

    Cheer the fuck up lol

  2. Single minded people. Its the I respect your beliefs even if I don’t agree with them. Why can’t you do the same? I hate people trying to push their beliefs on me.

  3. Modern country music. It’s just awful. I’m working a Dan & Shay concert currently and ALL of the songs objectify women and. It’s like if AI wrote country music 🤢

  4. The state of public schools and people who care more about banning a children’s book about a kid with two dads than about the abysmal state of education and extra-curriculars.

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