Sorry for the weird/funny title but yeah that's what the post is about…

I just turned 34.

In my teens and 20s, I honestly wasn't that hairy anywhere. My ass was smooth as a baby's bottom.

But for some reason, once I hit 30, the body hair started coming in quite a bit.

I don't mind it much except one area is kind of alarming me: my butt.

Seemingly out of nowhere, over the course of the past 3 years or so, my butt has gotten SUPER hairy. All over too. The cheeks are fuzzy/ and the crack hair is just… a lot.

I haven't gotten laid in awhile and I'm single so I don't have a female perspective on this. And being 34 and suddenly dealing with a very hairy butt for the first time, I don't have the life experience for this.

Fellas, do you struggle with this as well? Do you shave yours? What do your partners think of your butt hair?

Should I shave or wax mine or just leave it? Is this even a big deal at all?

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