How different are you now from when you were 21?

  1. 28. Very different. Completely diff mindset. But im still calm n introverted

  2. 33 now. Pretty similar but different. I’m much happier now. Still anxious. Have a lot of the same friends. I’m much more tired now but I have 3 kids under 4.

  3. Not that much different.

    29, no longer blonde, longer hair, spend a lot more on rent, drink more booze, work much longer hours, sue the worst of liars & offline harassers and have lots more canine pals.

  4. I’m 30 and I’m pretty much exactly the same but more mature and stable and a looooot happier. 

  5. At 21, I was ridiculously obsessed with getting my ex husband back after he left me for another woman. I got him back… and over a decade later I wish I’d bid him farewell. I cannot fathom a version of myself that clung so tightly to a man who disrespected so much.

  6. Very different at 31. Developing self love and self respect along with life experience will do that for you. I still have a the same sense of humor and I love to laugh with similar ethics but I’m self assured, confident, know myself well, am not afraid to set boundaries and ask for what I want, am more interested in socializing and making connections, know what I want for my future both career and personally, I’m disciplined and so much more. I’m also in the best shape of my life after not focusing on my health through most of my 20s. I don’t have it all figured out but I’m in a much better place than I was then. 

  7. 46 and very different. I was very carefree before the domestic violence. Now I’m incredibly careful and tolerate very little. I now understand the value of being alone versus being in a bad relationship.

  8. 29 now and extremely different. A lot more confident in myself and what I like! I care less what other people think, I’m a bit more selfish in how I live life and I’m a whole lot smarter 🙂

  9. I have more money, I’ve had a ton more life experience, and I’m much more wise.

  10. So different. At 21 I never believed that I would accomplish all that I have. Never thought I would be enough to do all I have. 21 year old me who be astonished to see that I got my PhD, have a job I genuinely enjoy, and survived things like divorce.
    I think 21 year old me would like 34 year old me

  11. 25 now and so different than the girl I was 4 years ago. Fell in love in February, got married in September, getting divorced in July. 21 year old me would be so disappointed to see where I’m at now.

  12. I have more money, I drive, I know many things about topics that interest me. I have accomplished two small dreams. I haven’t changed much, but I’d say that I can handle the tragedies of life slightly better. And I’d say I look better -slightly.

  13. I’m a lot crankier, with shorter patience, but other than the increase in knowledge and life experience I’m the same. I think 21 year old me was a lot different than many of the 21 year olds of today though, different worries and circumstances.

  14. At 21 I pretty much still had the same mentality I had as a teenager. At 27, I have a better understanding of things and I’m more at peace

  15. Well that was 50 years ago so I’m not walking around with a constant erection anymore.

  16. I’m 26 and 21 year old me might as well have been 10 years ago. I’m definitely a better person now.

  17. I was a completely different person. I’m now sane, sober, and boring and I love it.

  18. 29. I feel like I’ve got my priorities a little straighter at this point. I’m no longer hungover every weekend 😂

  19. Very different mentality. I think things through and I do not use the F@#k it mentality I had throughout my late teens early twenties.

  20. 26 now, but a lot has changed in 5 years. When I was 21 I was severely anorexic and I didn’t think I’d live to this age. I was very mentally unstable and I didn’t care about my health at all and my mind was barely functional due to the lack of nutrients. I’m now recovered and I feel like I have a personality again, and there’s quality to my life. I value those around me and I have interests and hobbies now. Hopefully I’ll be even happier in another 5 years

  21. 36 now. At 21, I was trying SO hard to fit in, and at the same time I didn’t know where “in” was. I cared way too much about what others thought, and centered my life around it. Once I hit my 30’s, I realized that the only person’s opinion that matters of myself is my own. I do it all for me and what I want in life. Putting my own comfort, feelings, and sanity first was a huge game changer!

  22. im 25 now and i feel very different but the same
    my hobbies and interests have not changed, but mentally i am alot better and im more sure of myself now, i was clinging onto people and now im secure in myself and dont need others to make me happy

  23. 33 Very different. My true self came out from my very depressed 20-something-self. I am happier but also, I do the things that I’d always loved without the shame of being silly or dumb. If any young woman is reading this, let me tell you, if you do not harm anybody, do whatever makes fulfill and happy.

  24. I’m a lot more easy going. I’m not as judgmental. I’m a lot smarter. And I’m a lot fatter…lol.

  25. At 21 I had increased confidence in my ability to learn (barely made it through highschool, but doing really well in college), felt optimistic about my future (after overcoming some trauma), worked 2 jobs, moved out on my own. I thought the worse things that could happen in my life were firmly behind me. I had lots of friends and what seemed like a good relationship with my family.

    Now: less confidence, have clinical depression/anxiety and diagnosed with ADHD, completely uncertain about the future, homeowner, 2 freaking amazing children, physically much the same except hair colour. No relationship with my family and no regrets about it (2 siblings have died as did my mother. Dad died before I was born) The years since 21 have been a struggle. I accept my responsibility for those struggles (though most of involved abuse). Foot-in-mouth disease greatly reduced now that my social circle is in the negative

    I don’t know which I’d rather…naive 21 yo who was overconfident in some ways, who also had major foot-in-mouth syndrome or wiser me who is an introvert whose life almost revolves around managing anxiety.

    Wish I had a more positive response, but it felt good getting this off my chest

  26. Currently 34. I am far more independent & self-confident than I ever imagined I could be when I was 21. I’m far less self-conscious, more sociable. My anxiety in making bigger decisions doesn’t stop me anymore.

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