
So my bf (37m) is mad I (29f) shaved my pubic hair because I am going on vacation.

To get right into it, I am going on vacation next week to see my best friend for a week. We have been friends since we were 11 and now we are both 29. I will be visiting her for a week and staying at her house and doing activities.

My boyfriend of three years and I have not been in the best place, I will admit, I am an alcoholic. I am not a pick a fight, go crazy, alcoholic, more of a quiet, re-watch shows and reading, but an isolator. We have been kind of disconnected for a while. So we do not have the best foundation right now. (Before y’all jump on me, I am going to treatment August 1st!)

I have been super depressed and listless lately, so my best friend invited me to stay with her in her studio apartment for a week, to decompress in Chicago. We have been best friends since we were 11 and now almost 30.

Last night, while I was tipsy, my best friend texted me that we were going to have a beach day, I decided to shave my pubic hair. I only wanted a trim but messed up, so shaved everything.

Fast forward to tonight; I have not really been intimate with my boyfriend consistently.

So tonight, when he initiated relations, he noticed I had shaved and he immediately accused me of planing to cheat because I had shaved. Ruined the entire moment. Because he says he doesn’t trust me. (And thinks I’m going to be unfaithful).

To me: my best friend told me we were going to the beach so I decided I would shave a little and groom.?

But he is SOOOO ADAMANT that every man in a strained relationship would think I was cheating?! Mind you, I have NEVER cheated. And I love him for putting up with my struggle with addiction.

When I pointed out that I have never had problems with infidelity, only how much I drink, he was super defensive and kept diverting and saying I couldn’t be trusted and we don’t have a relationship anymore and to enjoy my trip because he would be moving out when I got back.

Reddit, what do I do?

I already paid $500 for the plane tickets, so I’m not going to not visit my best friend. But how do you buy appease my partner?


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