Hi, just wondering what other people’s partners do really. So my situation is I (F36) have two children, my partner (M36) has one and we have one together who is only 3 months old. I’m on maternity leave and he works 4 nights on, 4 nights off. The last week he took a night as holiday so worked 3 nights and has had 5 nights off. So I do everything for the baby and generally in the house. He will generally make some bottles up each day, will sometimes do my kids dinner (oven food) and sometimes wash up. He sleeps a lot and really struggles with mornings, he quite often gets up half hour before he needs to leave. So this weekend we’ve had his child too and we’ve gone out both days but he has just got up giving himself time to shower and leave so I’ve made sure everything is ready for the day, everyone dressed, washed and ready, baby had at least two bottles by then etc and he’s literally got up at 11.30am both days which is the norm. I’ve asked him to feed baby to get him involved more than anything and although he did it it was a huge issue, just propped her up in bed, and fed her with his eyes shut not even looking at her. He never feeds , changes her or does anything with her unless I specifically ask and can tell it’s an issue if he has to do anything with her. So tonight we’ve argued about it because I’ve said it’s like he’s got no responsibility in the house, just rolls out of bed and expects everything to be done. He’s literally said that’s why I’m on maternity and basically that means he doesn’t have to do anything. It’s not even that I need the help, I just want to see him want to do things with our baby. He asked me for this baby and spoke constantly about how he would do nappies and night feeds but now says he’s older and more tired. Even after birth I didn’t sleep for days whilst he got 12 hours sleep a night plus a nap. I just feel like he has no respect for what I do. I do everything for his child too when he has her which is a lot including getting her ready each day, clothes washing etc although according to him I don’t do the washing, the washing machine does so again I feel really under appreciated especially as he’s never done any clothes washing ever. What’s the norm? I’ve said what’s bothering me tonight and he was a bit drunk but he literally packed his bag and left. He’s come back and now asleep but my 8 year old who sees him as a dad also overheard (thought she was asleep) and knows he has kicked off about it all, first time she’s ever overheard an argument ever. We’ve been together almost 2 years, one thing that I always liked about him is how fiercely protective he is over his child and how he would always have her every opportunity he had and he still is like that, I just seem to be doing the actual care of everyone. I don’t mind to an extent, I like doing it but it would also be nice to see he wanted to help out, to see him want to feed his baby etc, I just feel a huge disrespect right now like my role isn’t important compared to his because I’m not physically going to work. I will be going back to work when baby is 9months to year old. I would love to know how others manage their roles within the household and whether I’m expecting too much.

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