Im trying to figure out why my husband of 13 years would out of nowhere tell me that I looked like a man. I will say that for the most part, I have more of a masculine energy. As in, I wear t shirt and jeans, know how to work on some aspects of a car, (Dad taught me) move furniture, and my build is…. that of…a man I guess? I’m 5’11 and 300 lbs. So obviously plus size…I wear makeup and fix my hair and get my nails done etc. I also have a pretty good job- (law enforcement based) He has stated before that I “act” like a man…. That bothered me, but in more of a “well maybe you should step it up so I don’t have too” type deal.

Anyway, for whatever reason, I can’t seem to get what he said out of my mind. And I don’t know why I’m allowing it to bother me so much. With that, I’ve decided since I apparently look like such a “man”… that I’m not going to engage in sexual relations…. Because he’s got me feeling some type of way. Am I wrong? Am I looking too much into it? It definitely didn’t seem playful when he said it. More matter of fact. It really hurt my feelings I guess and I did let him know that it did, along with the fact that there would be an absence of a good time for him.

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