What’s one thing you stopped doing recently that has made your life and mental health so much better ?

  1. Looking after a man child (aka broke up with my long term partner and he’s just moved out). WHY IN THE NAME OF THE GODDESSES DID I DO THAT FOR SO LONG?! I have never been happier in my life.

    Also stopped being a daily tree smoker, I’m very pro-weed but I was definitely numbing myself too much. And the munchies were not good for my waistline…

  2. I’ve broken away from negative influences that make me question myself and that make me embrace in unsettling emotions and instead have revelled in my own serenity and escape, my wellbeing comes first before anything or anyone

  3. I stopped using social media (other than Reddit). No FB, no IG as of June 1st.

    My confidence has gone up, consumerism has gone down. I’m more engaged with my friends, asking questions about their lives. I’m also more invested in the moments, because I don’t need to make everything ‘Gram worthy.

  4. I stopped having desserts. Zero. Been more than 7 months. Without having sugar to rely on for de-stressing, I had to learn to manage my stress better through healthy alternatives. 100/100 would recommend.

  5. Stopped being obsessed with the news. I had tons of news apps that I was constantly flipping between. Canada also isn’t allowing news to be posted on social media anymore so I don’t see it there either. I may be somewhat ignorant as to what’s going on in the world but my mental health is much better for it.

  6. Cut off a whole bunch of people who were definitely not my friends/well-wishers. A literal purge. I feel weightless and happy now. And the best part is, none of these so-called people have noticed it yet.. that tells you a lot about what their intentions were in the first place.

  7. only allowing myself on tik tok one day a week (sundays are my no rules day) and not touching my phone the minute i get up. also getting back into a morning meditation/prayer.

    things ive done over the last few years: have strong boundaries in dating, walking away when shit looks/feels like its not what I want for myself, stop apologizing for
    high standards, stop telling my personal business to people who dont wont me to win

  8. Stopped running myself ragged trying to make someone happy who repeatedly chooses misery. And stopped taking people at their word but by their actions.

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