I’ve (22M) been seeing a girl (22F) off a dating app for around a month and have had 6 or 7 dates. On the 5th date I hinted at the idea of exclusivity. She responded by wanting to take things slow and avoid getting hurt. She also said she was still dating around since it’s the summer. Fair enough. So we aren’t dating and to be honest we are not that intimate with each other as well. We hardly kiss.

Shortly after that I met a girl (22F) organically (no apps) through a friend. We connected really well off the bat and I do feel that this connection is way stronger and has more potential than the girl I’ve been “seeing” for a month.

How should I tell her? She’s away on vacation now so I figured I won’t yet but I need to sooner rather than later. I was thinking of just friend zoning her but do I do it over the phone or text or on an actual “date”?


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