Who is the most beautiful woman, in your opinion?

  1. Uhm, myself? I’d ask myself out, give myself dinner and propose before even finding out how I am in bed.

  2. I know Audrey Hepburn is such a boring classic thing to say but I find her so stunning.

  3. All of them tbh but Simone Ashley most recently cast a spell on me, she’s sooooo pretty ❤️

  4. ive been obsessed with chappell roan ever since she started gaining fame. she reminds me so much of cyndi lauper!

  5. Scarlett Johansson or Ana de Armas. If look beautiful without makeup then you’re naturally beautiful.

  6. My mom. Norah Jones. My best friend. Maybe Salma Hayek. I know I wouldn’t win a pageant, but I’m pretty in to myself a lot of the time, as well. I find a lot of women beautiful. I recently heard a handful of men split about whether or not Rihanna was attractive. To me she’s essentially a goddess. I think people have trouble not taking beauty for granted. 

  7. Once I saw this lady at a grocery store, I believe she’s some sort of Middle Eastern woman. To me, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her eyes were green, and they looked like they were sorta glowing, flawless facial features, dark silky hair, smooth brown skin… she had this gold green and diamond thing on her head too. It was like some Disney princess type shit!!!

    I never saw her again…

  8. My girlfriend

    Her ocean blue eyes, firey red hair, and soft curves

    The way she looks at me, how dangerous she looks when she’s mad, the sweet but serious way she talks, her feather soft lips, the way she always smells like spicy cinnamon

    Most beautiful woman in the multiverse

  9. Dolly Parton.  She’s always been physically pretty, but it’s her personality and care for others that makes her absolutely beautiful to me.

  10. This is going to sound very cliché, but for me it’ll always be my mom. She not just objectively beautiful, her face radiates kindness and joy. And she has a natural gracefulness to her. The way she carries herself is very elegant.

  11. Lupita Nyong’o in Black Panther, and Monica Bellucci in Brotherhood of the Wolf.

    Both of them are stunning to the point I can even be jealous. It would be like envying the beauty of a sunrise

  12. Idk about one but Naomi Campbell, Monica Belluci, Carla Bruni, Yasmeen, Salma Hayek, Simone Ashley,

  13. Every woman with a kind heart is beautiful…
    Real answer Gillian Anderson can get it all day long

  14. I used to think Anya Taylor-Joy was shocking beautiful, such a unique looking woman. Then she went and put a vacuum to her face, and now she looks like a skeleton 🙄

  15. I’ve always loved Anne Hathaway, she’s one of my favorite people in the world

  16. Liv Tyler. Everything about her drives me crazy lol. She was my first female crush when I saw her in Armageddon when I was younger. Then as Arwen in Lord of The Rings…

    Even now, she’s older but to me she’s so gorgeous, with beautiful eyes and such soft features, and when she talks her voice is just like so gentle and beautiful…I got it bad lmao.

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