So earlier I got into a fight with my dad about me not doing the dishes enough, and during the argument he called me a dirt little slut, which I just thought was weird since that has nothing to do with the dishes. I feel kind of creeped out, is this creepy or am I overthinking?

  1. Very creepy . He sounds like he says things just to get a response/get you upset for his enjoyment.

  2. It’s totally creepy and unacceptable!! A loving, respectful father would NEVER say that to his daughter! 

  3. My mom would say this shit. She has a LOT of issues around sex/sexuality and would accuse me of being a whore for sleeping naked, often barge into the bathroom while I was showering, and when we would fight it wasn’t uncommon for insults of whore dirty slut etc to get thrown around. She’s not a *predator* but she’s mentally unwell from a childhood of abuse and neglect. She did her best but her best kind of sucked ass. It is definitely inappropriate for your dad to call you that, and a red flag. Keep a low profile and move out asap, get your life started.

  4. Yes.

    When I was in HS my dad (widower) was angry, depressed and used me to just dump his misery on. He use to call me a slut and that I was only on the swim team because I wanted boys attention. I was not even sexually active and not promiscuous at all. 15 years later I don’t forget these things even though he has softened up and kind to me. But it took me moving out and putting myself thru school and building a career alone to get away from it.

    I moved out as soon as I could and it was the best thing. Make sure you work on scholarship if you are still in HS or college and get out as soon as you can.

  5. Not reading your post, answering based solely off the title; yes that is fucking weird in any context whatsoever

  6. It’s incredibly inappropriate. Is there another adult you trust you can talk to?

  7. There is no reality in which calling your daughter a “dirty little slut” isn’t wrong

  8. It’s primarily nasty and unkind, but is definitely also a little weird, without knowing the circumstances or context. It’s not something that should ever be said by a parent, or anyone really.

  9. Abusive and creepy. Yikes. I’m so sorry he’s your father. I read that you’re 15? I hope to God you can get out of that house easily and live your actual life once you turn 18. You don’t deserve this. This is never acceptable behavior and you’re not overthinking. Please don’t gaslight yourself, even if your family does. It’s gonna take several years or even a lifetime of work to unfuck the trauma they’ve undoubtedly given you, but just know that you deserve better and deserve to be at peace and surrounded by people who would NEVER talk to you that way. Until that day comes, for your own sanity and safety, try and just comply with their idiocy. Keep your head down, not because you don’t deserve to stick up for yourself, but because there is an extremely low chance they’ll ever change their behavior. I’m sorry. It does get better though. Once you move out, that is.

  10. As a dad I just can’t imagine calling my daughter that and yes, yea it’s creepy and weird

  11. It did used to mean untidy, but since it has meant what it does, there’s no excuse not to use it properly.

    Proper creepy these days

  12. It’s creepy, abusive and gross. That’s so nasty. I’m so sorry he said that to you. Does this happen often, him saying similar things ?!

  13. Please talk to a trusted adult, school counseller, etc. about this. Has he said things like this before ? Done things that made you uncomfortable before ?

  14. When I read the title I wasn’t sure what subreddit I was even in? This is VERY CREEPY

  15. Yes. If you’re a minor you should report it or tell another family member that you trust.

  16. Yes that is creepy and keep an eye on him and just stay away from the perv

  17. Misogyny and his effort to cut you deeply and quickly so he can “win” the argument (by silencing you), imo.

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