I (f23) was with my bf (m24) for over a year and a half. We lived together and ultimately decided to part ways.

Together we had 2 cats and a dog, we originally established that the cats are mine, the dog is his. With the dog, i already had concerns because he didn't take care of the dog when I was there, I trained the dog, let him out, took him to vet appointments, etc. So I felt guilty leaving.

Needless to say, a couple of weeks after I left, I got a call from him crying begging me to come take the dog because he believed I could give him a better life. I dropped everything in that moment and went to take him home.

The day after I picked up the dog, he demanded that I pay him. We never had any conversation about me paying him until AFTER I took the dog off of his hands (like he asked me to).

I told him there's no way I'm paying him since it wasn't discussed before. He said since I have the dog that is "registered" under his name, I either pay him or he'll come up to my house and not leave until he has the dog. Making me feel as if I'm in debt to him and I have a say in nothing (our entire relationship)

Obviously, I reached out to a police station to know my rights. There are a lot of traumatic things that happened with him and all I want is to block him out of my life and truly move on. I took law as well so I know the basics of "there needs to be a payment agreement BEFORE a transaction occurs, or no payment is required" but of course wanted to confirm. And the registration is bull because in the eyes of the law, pets are considered property, therefore the dog is a gift to me. The police also told me, if he shows up I can register a restraining order, especially since there is a history of me receiving purple marks on multiple ocassions.

Since he threatened to show up and for me to "watch my back", I told him what the police said. He LOST IT

I got a call of him screaming at me, calling me all the bad names in the book. I laughed and told him I didn't need to pay him, if he shows up then he will be met with police. Next thing I heard was him saying things that can be taken in a way he should go to the hospital. So I called 911, was on the floor screaming for an hour as i waiting for them to tell me what they found inside our old place. He was fine, called me laughing that I called help and had concern for his well being.

After that ocurance, he said he doesn't care if he loses money, he just wants to summon me for the possibility that I would financially struggle (I'm a college student and an intern, aka broke).

Everyday, I am scared of him showing up. I'm tired of being controlled. He is blocked on everything but that scares me even more.

Please, what should I do?

TLDR: We had a dog together that was in the eyes of the law a "gift" when I took him after the split. Afterwords, I was greeted with demands for money and threats of legal action.

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