guys help im inexperienced in relationships but basically recently after she got the disease her personality changed by 180 degrees. She became very cold to me and impulsive and it wasnt getting any better, i could feel it but i was offering my love to her and attraction i would give her all my attention but i wouldnt get anything same. Yesterday after i left from her home and went to bus stop i texted that i love her but she got really cold and i feel sad about it. Then she left me on seen for 10 mins and i knew its fucked instantly after a min. The she texts basically saying that she needs to think and that i have probably seen her getting very cold and then she explained how she needs to take time to think because she thinks we went too fast too far and that she isnt made for relationships probablu and that its not my fault most likely. Then 2 hours later she texts me longest ever message talking about us, our future and how she loves me and is sorry for everything and how its now my choice whether i want to stay with her or i got too much pain from her. I chose to stay. Do you guys think it is possible to save this relationship?

Feels like this is anxious-avoidant relationship, where she is the avoidant meanwhile im anxious who rushed everything, including intimacy and she is scared of past traumas.

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