I’m 36 and don’t always get as hard as I’d like anymore.

EDIT: thanks for all the helpful reply so far. I am not fat, but I’m not ripped either. A slight dad bod I’d say. 6’ 180 lbs. I go to the gym but once a week max. I do have a stressful red meat job in finance, always on, DoorDash dinners, no real vacation. I know that’s probably the reason but I have no desire to quit.

  1. How’s your fitness level, physical and mental health? At 36, you shouldn’t have any issues.

  2. I’ve taken Cialis every day for a year straight purely for lifting purposes and it does definitely help in that respect as well.

    No reason not to unless you don’t want to pay for it or can’t be bothered to take it. However if you’re having issues it’s best to diagnose the root cause rather than treating the symptoms because if there’s something that’s causing ED but is also causing a lot more issues, the other issues will still be there. Like if you have low testosterone, fixing that can improve your quality of life all around, not just fixing ED.

  3. You should try a conservative approach first before getting on ED medication. This includes improving your diet, sleep and exercise regimens. Question, do you wake up in the morning with an erection? If you consistently do not, there’s a sign right there that your testosterone might be low.

  4. I’m 42 and have taken it occasionally since my 30s. It works fine, just don’t stress and don’t take too much. Start with the weakest pill and take half of that – it already more than fixed any problem I had.

  5. I was having ED issues for a month or so earlier this year and considered trying pills (just turned 31). But now I’m not having problems: pretty sure my issues at the time were poor sleep and diet + lot of work stress.

    I’m sure this has already occurred to you but I encourage you to consider what factors in your life might be causing this for you rn

  6. Sildenafil, works great… there was a slight stigma with my wife at first, but once she experienced first hand how much it helped, she has never complained or shown any negative feeling about it again. Literally just get harder stay harder, and last longer, and more confident, no performance anxiety at all. The only downside was a small hangover-like headache in the morning sometimes and slightly swollen nasal passages at times.

  7. It’s fun and they work quite well.

    Sildenafil makes my face flush more than tadalafil, and it is similar to how niacin makes me flushed.

    An improvement in your general state of health also does wonders.

  8. Cardio is a better fix than medicine. A strong heart will do the job better than a pill.

  9. I think they’re great!! I use Viagra and now it’s generic. I take it about 45 minutes before I want an erection and it works like a charm. Oddly my wife doesn’t care. But I do. She likes me however she gets me (or at least kingly says so…).

  10. My experience is that it’s awesome. I’ve been using it since I was in my 20s even though I have no issues with ED because it’s really easy to get from legit doctors and sometimes it’s just fun to have that extra boost, there’s nothing wrong with it. As long as you’re not overdoing it, you’ll be fine.

  11. Talk to your doctor and don’t be afraid of it. I like to keep them as a backup just in case things don’t work out. My issue is mostly mental, I get in my own head and make intimacy a bigger deal than it should be, if that happens the pill helps me get back to where I need to be. Honestly, life is tough and everyone needs help sometimes, these sorts of medications do that.

  12. So they definitely work. But there is some risk of mental dependency and it’s really only masking and ignoring the source of the issue.

    Sounds like you get it and know the issues. Stress and shitty lifestyle impact sexual health. Try to workout a bit more. Clean up your diet and I believe you will notice some improvements. Working out more might even improve general mood and make your job more tolerable. That combined with low dosage of ED meds will have you feeling like you’re 18 again.

  13. They’ll help physically, but if your drive is low for whatever reason then you still won’t get hard.

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