So I (35m) caught my (14f) year old daughter having sex and I have no clue how to deal with it. I love my daughter and I’m a single dad her mom is not in the picture we have a great relationship and she has recently been telling me about a boy she likes. Well long story short I walked into her room with lunch and saw her having sex with a guy who looked much older maybe 16-17 and I have no idea how to deal with it. I don’t want to shame her but I also don’t want her to think that’s okay I did not say he could come over so he must have snuck through the window i’m not going to lie that image will probably haunt me for life I was absolutely not ready to see my baby girl like that but here we are. I immediately closed the door after freezing for a second and she quickly screamed for me to get out and I heard her and him start to get dressed and I am currently sitting on my couch they have not come out yet probably embarrassed I meds advice on how to deal with this please!

First I want to say thank you for all the messages and replies they really helped and sorry if I didn’t respond to them all

So about 20 minutes after I made the post she came out of her room red as a tomato clearly very embarrassed. the guy behind her also walking out and when I tell you he was at least a foot taller then her she is 5,3 and he was at least 6,0 I am I big dude 6,4 since I last checked and this guy was not much far off my me. after my daughter shoved him out of the front door she set down next to me and it was silent for a while till she spoke first says she was sorry and I told her that it was okay but the first thing I asked was how old the guy was and she said 17. I’m not sure how they met but I was very upset I told her that he was way to old for her and she ended up nodded and said she knew that but just wanted to know what sex was like. After talking to her and having a very awkward conversation I found out that she had asked him and lied about her age my daughter looks very mature so he believed her. and they were indeed wearing a condom thank god. She apparently had grabbed one of mine from my cabinet and that’s what they used she apologized and we ate some ice cream like you guys suggested and she said that it wasn’t super enjoyable. after we finished talking and eating ice cream she laid on my chest and we watched a movie. Thank you all for your help this was definitely a weird situation!

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