I (20F) and my bf (22M) have been together for 4 months now and we live together. I want to start by saying that he is the best bf ever, cares for me and loves me so much and he's also really hardworking and sweet. He is hot and has a good-sized dick and it feels amazing but i've never been able to orgasm from it. and that's okay but he never fingers me or eats me out either. When I ask to get fingered, he gets tired within a minute and doesnt seem like he wants to do it. he told me he broke his fingers years ago and never went to a doctor so they hurt very easily. everytime he cums, he cleans himself up, lays in his back says he's so tired like he knows i'm about to ask him to help me finish by kissing/playing w my boobs while i masturbate. so i've stopped asking that as well. he works a lot on his new business and its physically demanding so i understand that and i dont like to push him. so he's always the one that initiates sex because when i try to, he just says he's tired. we have sex twice a week or sometimes less.

he doesnt really like doing foreplay he says he is just so horny that he just wants to go in, he kind of talks about it like its a waste of time. he's never had sex with anyone before so i tried telling him about why foreplay is needed but we still dont do it. I've faked orgasm so many times after I figured I wouldn't cum from just PIV sex so that he doesnt feel bad about me not cumming, but it feels like it doesn't matter to him whether i cum or not. we do the same missionary everytime, he doesnt kiss unless i ask multiple times and it lasts 10-15 mins. He used to last longer but now it feels like he just wants to get to the finish point rather than enjoy the sex. i've mentioned so many times about wanting to try different positions, i love doggy but he says its hard on his knees. i want to have sex in the kitchen, the table, shower since we literally live together and we can do it but he doesnt seem too into it. sex is an important part of our relationship to me and i wanna try so many different things, role plays, dirty talking with him but it feels like its a lot of things to ask from him and i feel very bad trying to bring all of this up cause there's a lot of other things going on in his life too and i might come off as insensitive. sexual needs arent his priority like they are mine, he doesnt even masturbate himself. but im slowly starting to get sexually frustrated and dont want him to feel like i only care about sex and not other things that are going on. Again, apart from sex, he is the absolute best. he loves me and takes care of me, compliments me all the time, brings me flowers, and all that. how do i figure out this situation?

TLDR: my bf works a lot and doesn't prioritize our sex life but its starting to feel sexually frustrating for me. ive never orgasmed from our sex and he doesn't like foreplay, fingering, or trying different things. he has never tried eating me out. we have sex like 1 or 2 times a week. how do i bring this up while being considerate about his feelings as well

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