To those that ended up having a baby (unplanned) with someone they weren't sure about…. how did it go? Does a baby bring you closer?

I ask because I found out that my ex is expecting a baby with his girlfriend just weeks after we'd began discussing getting back together. We were together for 6 years and loved each other very deeply. To this day neither of us have felt so strongly about anyone. However as time went on his 'temper' became harder to handle. I came to the realization I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and felt like I'd no choice but to leave. We're now separated 2 years. He reached out several times in this period and I know he has been working on himself massively. I thought it was pointless getting back together, that there had been too much damage and hurt. I gave quiet hostile responses to some of his attempts at reaching out as I myself was harboring a lot of pain. I now feel awful about this. He kept trying however and the last conversation I had with him pre-knowledge of baby, it seemed that he really had gotten to the bottom of his toxic behaviour, that he was in a much better place mentally and had figured out the 'why', rather than just apologizing and making promises. When he told me he was expecting a baby I was devastated. I know that although he still loves me, he wants to do right by his child and give things a try with his current gf. I've spent the last few months sick with regret for not hearing him out sooner. The question being now, do I move on with my life and close the door completely. Or is there some hope he will come back to me.

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