I feel like the US Constitution is missing some things, but I can't really figure out what.

So if you could, what would you add or amend to the Constitution?

  1. Amend Article II Section 1 to:

    >No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years or ***surpassed the age of 80***, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    I’m fine with the rest of the government being old farts.

  2. “Taco Tuesday shall not be infringed.”

    Let the lawyers fill in the gaps. 

  3. That elections shall be publicly funded and free from the influence and interference of monied interests

  4. Expand the wording of the tenth amendment to force the federal government to turn some power back to the states.

  5. Term limits for Congress. Extend House terms to 4 years so they aren’t always campaigning. Terms (maybe 8 years?) for judges/justices. A way for the Congress + President or the States to vacate a Supreme Court ruling. Put the Senate back like it originally was.

  6. A federal ban on charging more than $9.99 for a sandwich.

    Above that price point and you have to offer table service

  7. We really should consider a right to privacy in the constitution. A ton of the issues in modern politics are caused by a lack of privacy regulation, so just stamping it onto the constitution might be a good move.

  8. For those wanting to prohibit lobbying, remember that it’s part of your First Amendment guarantee to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Sure you want to lose that?

  9. The right to privacy, including medical privacy. That was covered by Roe v. Wade for many years but now it’s not anymore.

  10. Honestly I wish there was an amendment explicitly codifying the right to privacy. My state constitution has it, it’s pretty nice.

  11. A ban on restaurants that sell a sandwich but it doesn’t come with fries you gotta order them and the fries are like $7

  12. An amendment to overhaul a lot of the administrative state.

    As the US centralizes, the lack of a formalized administrative state has more or less just left the proceedings extremely informal and easily struck down by the courts and dependent on the current executive. I think a lot of what we’re seeing now with the Supreme Court could have been prevented had we just did it properly.

    But we didn’t, and now the US is obnoxiously difficult (and expensive!) to get basic admin done between states.

  13. Voting is a paid national holiday provided you have stub proving you voted

  14. 12 year term limits for senators and congressmen. Line item veto for president. Balanced budget required.

  15. No elected official may, during their tenure, exchange securities or make investments except by an executor of a blind trust. The total compensation of any elected official may not exceed the median income of their represented district for the duration of their tenure and for a length of time equal to their tenure after their service has ended.

  16. End the second amendment with “What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?”

  17. Presidency is one 6 year term with no chance at reelection. Now they don’t have to campaign and play partisan the whole time they’re in office.

  18. No person shall attain the office of President who has not demonstrated basic competence in the matters of government.

  19. 1. Congress shall pass no laws or regulations that they are exempt.
    2. A limit of 3 terms for Congress men/women
    3. Congress must get the approval of the people via popular vote to give themselves a raise.
    4. No former member of congress can hold a job of any sort with a special interest group or a company that has or had during their term a government contract or that receives subsidies from the government.

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