TL;DR: My husband's friend stayed over at our house and saw me naked as I was getting out of the shower. Should I tell my husband?

My husband invited one of his friends to stay at our home while he visits the country. He has been here for three days, traveling with my husband and I or alone.

It is a little difficult to describe, but one of the corners of the home is at an L shape, with bedroom windows slightly facing each other. One bedroom is ours, while the other is the spare one where my husband's friend is staying.

Our bedroom has a shower attached, and I walked out after having a shower and dried myself in front of the mirror, I noticed in the reflection that my husband's friend was looking at me through the window. I was drying myself for a couple of minutes, but I don't know how long he was watching me for.

When I noticed him, I turned around and he looked surprised before moving away.

He is going to stay for a few more days. The question is, should I tell my husband about it? I don't want to ruin the friendship and cause the friend to get in a difficult situation while abroad (we live in Japan).

  1. Definitely tell him
    No secrets
    I wouldn’t put too much behind it
    He’s a guy and I’m sure you look good
    It’s natural for him to look
    But at the same time a lil disrespectful if it’s unwanted
    I’m sure he’s embarrassed also

  2. If my friend told me he saw my wife naked and I hadn’t heard it first from my wife, we’d probably divorce bc i would assume she didn’t tell me bc she did it on purpose.

  3. I was swimming in the ocean with a friends wife (he was on the beach). A wave came and pulled her top down and she didn’t notice at first. I told her the top was down and she pulled it up. Later her husband mentioned to me that she went topless when she was on vacation in Europe. It wasn’t a big deal. Stuff happens. Americans get so hung up on nudity.

  4. You need to tell him NOW you really do or when he find out he will start asking himself questions you do not want your spouse asking them selves because that how your mind start’s to spiral. TELL HIM NOW

  5. My gf and I were staying at a beach house with other couples, i had to pee in the middle of the night and opened my door (w just underwear on). Just as i opened the door, a woman from another couple opened her door – just in underwear, to go to the bathroom. We both closed our door immediately, and then she walked to the bathroom. In the morning, we all had a huge laugh about it. Just joke about it, it’s not all that serious.

  6. You shouldn’t have to tell your husband because you think the friend will tell him first, you should want to tell your husband because he is your fricking husband, this supposed friend of his just stood and stared at you while you were naked, what a creep, he was shocked because you caught him, don’t give room for misinterpretations, from both husband or the “friend”.

    Look at it this way, “friend” might think you wanted him to see since how it played out and how you just keep quiet and if husband finds out, there will be some distrust there as you have unknowingly sown some seeds of doubt.

  7. I am going to talk to my husband about this everyone. Thank you for telling me what i needed to hear!

  8. Dried yourself in front of a mirror? That’s odd, why would you not dry off inside the privacy of the bathroom knowing there’s a stranger in the house? Who needs a mirror to get dry? That’s a job for a towel. Lol sounds like you’re not being honest with yourself about what’s going on inside your own head.

  9. So, I have an odd take on this. If your friend is from Japan, they might not see nudity as the biggest deal. There’s still tons of public bathhouses and hot springs where everyone is make in front of each other. There’s still even a few that are co-ed. Idk if this applies to your friend, but it’s entirely possible he doesn’t see being naked to be the biggest deal.

  10. Your initial reaction should have been to tell your husband what happened. You didn’t do that, so I can infer that you’re looking for validation for not telling him.

    If you don’t want to tell him, don’t. There’s really no need to tell him. It’s not like you two are having an affair. And it’s not like he laid hands on you. Most men are going to linger given the opportunity to see a beautiful woman being beautiful. And many women enjoy it.

  11. I believe you should tell him, if you don’t things could get a lot messier.

  12. You should have told him the moment it happened. You’re delaying in your comments and it’s going to backfire for you badly.

  13. You should have told your husband immediately instead of worrying about the friend. When this comes out and it will. It will look like you were putting him before your husband and you are. Your friend was watching you naked, probably more than once. Maybe he even took pictures. Your delay is making it worse and as a husband I would be suspicious that you enjoyed it and your friend now knows that even though you saw him you have not outed him. I don’t know how he interprets this and he may think you are just rug sweeping this situation which is not good for your marriage. Doing this in a marriage means you are capable of hiding other things.

  14. It amazes me how little common sense some people have…. You’re walking around naked with just a towel on knowing you have guests of the opposite sex and you’re also keeping your blinds up??? Make it make sense please.

  15. Tell your husband now or you could face damage in trust from your husband as the longer it takes, the more you look like you wanted it. Not hard to figure out with decisions people make why they destroy trust in marriages.


  16. Tell your husband asap but tape paper over that window in the next five minutes.

  17. You need to tell your husband. You did nothing wrong, but not telling him creates an issue.

  18. How are people still asking dumb ass questions like this in here?

    Would you rather him find out first from you, or the friend? Which looks better from his point of view?

    It’s literally that simple. Obviously you tell him.

  19. Just tell your husband the facts. There’s a lot of comments here attributing ill intent to the friend. I believe this may be unwarranted as humans attention is attracted to movement you may have just seen him moments after he saw you and both of you are embarrassed.
    We just don’t know.
    Far better to just tell your husband WHAT happened not what you may THINK his friend was thinking. But do it now.
    Their relationship will be what it is, and if this incident is enough to break it, there were other issues before.

  20. Why wouldn’t you tell your husband? It would look suspicious if this ever came up accidentally in conversation in the future. Tell him now so it doesn’t cause issues later, especially if you have nothing to hide. 

  21. I think it is worth noting that because of the way our attention works, it is not equally likely that he began watching at any point in the 2 minutes you were drying in front of the mirror. There is a very decent chance that you saw him in the mirror when he was finally there to be seen, and that you ‘caught’ him when he was registering what it is he was seeing.

    Obviously we can’t say for sure, but what actually happened may very well be the sitcom version of this interaction.

  22. Tell your husband in a way that doesn’t blame his friend, make it out to be an accident.

  23. This is so strange to me that it would even be a question. You don’t trust your husband? He deserves to make the decision to keep his friendship, if it was an accident and the guy just zoned out and didn’t realize he was staring, your husband needs to talk to him. If he was straight up peeping at you, that situation can be dangerous and you and your husband need to let that friendship go.

    I’ve never been in a situation where I would question if I should tell my spouse something, secrets cause misunderstandings.

  24. So the friend was staring!?!? Holy crap that’s disrespectful to you and your husband.

    You need to tell your husband before the friend tries to defend his stating and makes things worse.

  25. I’d tell him but tell it like a funny story. It was an accident and can be looked at as a humorous situation.

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