I don’t know how to be in a normal relationship anymore. I was with a guy LD 2 years before this last one. This new guy was my neighbor and we were just friends and it has turned into more since my last relationship ended. He isn’t my neighbor anymore which is good bc I love my space. I like plenty of space. My ex would visit maybe 2-4 weeks and stay for maybe 6 days but he would give me plenty of space when he knew I needed it -in the am and sometimes in the evening after work. Especially in the am bc I am NOT a morning person. I have insomnia and it’s hard for me to sleep in the same bed as anybody else. My ex started this thing in the beginning of our relationship where he would fall asleep on my couch and I just got used to him sleeping on the couch every night. He also let me sleep in and didn’t bother me too much in the morning because he knew I had trouble sleeping most nights.
This new guy loves cuddling in the am and morning sex and I have let it go a few times bc it’s novel and I don’t want to be too standoffish. However, he will keep touching me and kissing me with nasty breath and I hate my own breath in the am plus I feel like I need a shower to wake up. I know I should just talk to him about it but he can be very pushy like saying your breath is fine you look beautiful blah blah. I feel far from beautiful or even fully awake. It’s starting to annoy me bc he knows that I keep turning away from him and turning him down sometimes but he keeps trying in any way he possibly can to get me to touch him or get me turned on. Even if i tell him we both need to brush our teeth or I need a shower (but I don’t want to get up at 8am to do any of that stuff bc I don’t have to be up that early usually)I know he will keep being pushy bc he wakes up soooo horny. I feel like it has actually started to turn me off or even stopped me from wanting to date him even though he is great in so many other ways. I realized I am not good at standing up for myself in my past relationships bc I am a people pleaser.
TLDR: My new guy is a morning guy with crazy am libido and I hate being touched in the mornings. He doesn’t care about any of that stuff (bad breath/how I look) but I am a night owl with insomnia. How can we make this work? Can a morning person and night owl even make it work long term?

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