I never thought this would happen. I cannot sleep tonight because of how helpless I feel in this sitaution. I am an aupair. I started at 19, went to Australia and took care of two little girls, and loved it. After a year I came back home and went to college. But I decieded that I wanted to travel again because I am interested in teaching English abroad one day. I met a really great family on an accrdiated website that I went to last time for my aupair match, and met a german family. They really liked me and I really liked them and the area, and I've always wanted to go to germany, so after about 3 months of talking and making sure there was no other family I wanted to go with more, we went through with it. Now I am in Germany, and I have been here for 2 months. They have three children, all boys — a 1 year old, whose the cutest thing on earth, a 14-year old, whose friendly and sweet, and an 17-year-old, who I don't really provide much care for. He kept to himself a lot and didn't talk much with me, which I didn't mind because I am mainly there for the two younger ones.

But some weird things started happening. I began to notice that he started staring at me a lot whenever we were alone, or even at family dinner. He walks up to me at times and it sounds like he's asking me questions in german, but I can't understand him (the oldest boys can speak english). When I tell him I don't understnad him, he just walks away. I asked his brother once what he asked, and he said it was "something bad" and he's told his brother to stop, but he won't listen. Then, over these past two weeks, he's made "accidental" contact with me. Sometimes he will brush up agasint me even when there's enough room for us to not bump into each other. One or two times, when this happened, I felt something on my waist, like his hand, but I thought maybe it was an accident. Now that they're out of school, we're alone at the house during the day while the parents work, and sometimes when I'm playing with the baby he will come and "play" with the baby too, but he will be very close to me, like to the point where I have no personal space. I have had to tell him a few times to give me space, and his younger brother has even said the same thing.

Still for some reason, I thought maybe he was just shy before and was starting to get comfortable with me. I didn't want to jumpt to conclusions or label him as anything, so most of this I've let go. Ireally like hangiing out with the baby and playing board games and stuff with the 14 y/o. He's a funny, nice kid. But the bad thing that really happened was yesterday. The family went for a walk, and I stayed behind because I had bad cramps. The oldest boy also said he didn't feel like walking, so he stayed behind. We were there alone, and after they had left, I tried to go to my room, but he blocked me. I kept asking him to move, but he kept blocking me. The look on his face, like he thought it was funny, scared me. He would not speak english with me when I kept asking him why he was doing this, and at this point I felt scared and went to walk the other way — I was going to hide in a bathroom until the others came back. But then he grabbed my arm and forced my body agaisnt his. I don't know if it was a forced hug or what, but I tried to pull away, but he reacted by tightening his grip, so I just froze. He let me go after a few seconds and just left the room. When the family came back, I went into my room for the night, because I felt like i would just start crying in front of them.

I don't know what I should do. I feel ashamed that I couldn't fight him off, and that I'm literally being harassed by a boy so much younger than me. I'm scared to tell the host parents, because I can tell they love their son a lot, and at the end of the day I'm just a random girl that they've only known for 2 months. I'm torn because I love the younger two so much already, and wanted to have a good time in Germany. But this boy is acting so weird. I don't know why he went from basically ignoring me to doing … this. I know that despite all of this I should probably try to talk to the host parents — probably my host mom, as I'm more comfrotable sharing this with her. But I just don't know to bring that up. How to basically tell her that her son did something really weird to me. I never thought I would have to do this, or be in a situation like this, and I need some help. Please

**tl;dr**: I am an aupair. One of the boys who I live with has consistently been doing weird things to me, and yesterday, he forced me into a hug. I know I proably need to tell the host parents, but I don't know what to even say. I feel so helpless and alone right now.

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