After the Christmas holidays over 2 years ago, my husband's attitude toward me changed from great to almost nothing. I lost weight, worked to look attractive when we were together, and my husband continued to treat me like a babysitter and housekeeper. I complained nothing happened. I decided to blow it all up and walk away. I had a short affair with a coworker, flew a lot of red flags, even told my husband one evening who I was going out with, NOTHING. I ended the affair but I was still angry. I then told my husband I had an affair and I was done and wanted a divorce.

He wanted to reconcile, me, not so much. We went on a prepaid family vacation and he was great. So I agreed to try again. We are in MC, things are great I have my old loving husband back,

But, he hasn't given me a reason why he stopped paying attention to me for over 2 years and I am seriously thinking of ending our reconciliation. Why ignore me for years then suddenly change after I was headed out of the marriage door? What's keeping him from doing it again? Am I overthinking this?

TL;DR My husband ignored me for 2 years, wants to reconcile, but can't or won't tell me why he ignored me in the first place.

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