I started seeing this guy about 4 1/2 months ago. We’ve been on dates, had dinners at both our homes, and have been intimate many times. Never met any of his friends or family.

From the beginning, I felt like something was off about him. Just a gut feeling I couldn’t shake, ya know? He is very charming and quickly able to bounce off any questions he doesn’t want to answer. Which I understand to an extent. He is a white collar professional but never gave me his last name; I only know his first name. Said he’s never been married and has no kids.

What trips me up most is his house. He lives alone in a 4 bedroom house. All bedrooms are fully furnished, not just empty spaces. I never snooped in them to see if there are any personal items in the closets or nightstands, though. I noticed a few articles of women’s clothing in the master bedroom and some personal care products in the bathroom. When I jokingly asked if those are “your other girlfriend’s”, he brushed it off as his sister’s stuff. Never heard of his sister (who is 34) living there but I didn’t probe further at that time. And why wouldn’t they be in one of the guest bedrooms, where a sibling would sleep in?

There’s always home-cooked food in the fridge. The house is spotless every time, including vacuumed couch cushions, rolled up towels in bathrooms, the whole 9 yards. He mentioned he has maids coming weekly, which could be true I suppose, but I never heard of maids who cook? He can’t fry an egg to save his life so I know it’s not his product.

Lastly, sometimes when not together but we’re texting after 9-10pm and I suggest getting on a phone call, he almost always has an excuse not to, even though he is at home in bed.

I don’t want to sound crazy or ruin something good for no reason. I truly like him and we’re getting along amazingly. I just have this nagging feeling that he is hiding something serious enough or maybe cheating?

TL;DR: boyfriend of 4 months is acting a bit off and I don’t know if I’m just seeing things

  1. The red flags are so numerous and they’re multiplying like spring ducklings right now!!

  2. If your gut says he’s off, he’s off. Listen to it and cut him loose. Sounds like he’s married.

  3. You had a feeling, from the very beginning, that something was off, and yet you went along with it for 4.5 months?

    Idk why people keep ignoring red flags and sus behavior until it’s like an avengers-level threat. So much pain could be avoided if people just interpret things as they are early on.

    As for your guy, yes he is married

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