How often do you wash your car?

  1. Really only before an event where I need it to look good, like a first date or a meeting with an investor.

  2. It’s a 20 year old shitbox it gets washed in the rain. Doesn’t exactly need a wash or detail unless something serious happens.

  3. I hand wash about once a month, pressure wash 1-2x more per month, and do a good wax job about 3-4x per year. The weekend car sees far less use and far fewer washes

  4. Great question. mainly to remove dust / rust cake on the undercarriage for changing fluids so i dont get covered in crap when i’m on the crawler.

  5. Not often enough, maybe once every month or two. The old beater truck, maybe once a year…

  6. I bought my current car last year in October, so once a month, my old car maybe once every oil change (every six months).

  7. Probably every 6 weeks on average. I try to keep it cleaner in the winter than summer, my state uses a shit-ton of road salt and I really don’t want it to rot away before its time.

  8. Every month. Company pays for it up to $25. Although sometimes I get lazy and forget one month.

  9. Whenever I have any extra 5 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, car soap, and motor oil.

  10. I live where it rains 80% of the time so I usually only wash my car in the summer months (May-Aug). Usually like once a month then or once every other month. I’ll wash my car maybe twice for the rest of the yr. Once because it’s just getting too dirty and another time once all the snow melts to get rid of all the salt.

  11. Once every two weeks I drive to the local car wash, put $10 in the machine, and watch my kids have fun with the brushes and the spray.

  12. Prior to leaving home, I used to do it once a month when it was my dads weekend. I used to enjoy spending the time with him learning how to take care of it and just shooting the shit. I would say now that I’m away I probably do it every 3 months.

  13. Don’t think I’ve washed mine the 2 years I’ve had it…

    I’ll just wipe down the windows every now and again when I get gas.
    Otherwise it’s always so windy and dusty here it gets dirty way to fast

  14. I run my truck through the wash a couple times a winter to keep the salt off, in the summer whenever it rains

  15. lol I first read this as caT instead of car…I was like who the fuck washes a cat???


    To answer your question, I run mine through a monthly paid car wash twice a week and clean the inside every Saturday

  16. Weekly to bi weekly. In winter, weekly to keep the salt off, unless I didn’t dive much or there was a lack of rain /snowfall.

  17. The rain tends to clean it for me most of the time but during the summer I wash it once every month or so

  18. Every time it rains. If something unusual comes up like an entire species of bird decides to shit on my car then I’ll go do it myself

  19. In Northern California we’re in another drought. Having a dirty car is a badge of honor.

  20. Like every other day. I have a subscription at the carwash down the street and drive by there almost every day. I’m also a real estate photographer and drive a lot, usually to fancy houses.

    Also its 15 bucks a month.

  21. I drove cab in the 1990s and they had us wash every shift. Now I wash my car at the u-spray for $5 every 2-3 weeks, even in icy shit winter and I have an 11 year old car with no rust spots still. Your mileage may vary

  22. Weekly. Sometimes twice. I use the self-wash station at a local dealer. Costs about $2 each time.

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