What class/job do you main in your favorite mmorpg?

  1. I gravitate towards rogues and rangers in any RPGs, though I don’t typically play MMOs. It’s more tabletop for me

  2. My main in GW2 is a ~~really handsome~~ Ranger. I usually play solo so I don’t have to deal with the pressure of running the popular class/build.
    Back in the day I usually stuck with tanky characters.

  3. Healers all the way. Fucking love it. Second is range, mage or ranger are both cool, but I tend to gravitate more towards mage

  4. It depends on what I want to do/how I’m feeling. If I’ve had a crap day and want to beat the shit out of something, or if I want to fish or gather mats without being jumped by anything, Warrior. If I’m feeling like taking it easy and doing some damage from afar, Mage. I’m definitely an alt-o-holic though, and will occasionally spend hours making a new class/race combo just for fun, levelling it a while, and then delete.

  5. When I was in college, my boyfriend at the time suggested I should play WoW with him. I was all for it, and asked him what class he recommended. He asked me a few vague questions which ended in him suggesting that I’d probably want to be a cow with a giant flaming hammer, which was entirely correct. So I just boot up the game, try to think of a good cow name, and create Lulubelle the enhancement shaman.

    For 16 fucking years, I have been Lulubelle the enhancement shaman. I have the worst altits on the planet. I’ve leveled every class at least to like 30, some to max level, before realizing “Nah, I like enhancement better.” We’ve been broken up for ages. But that motherfucker absolutely knew me better than I knew myself, because that was absolutely the correct choice.

  6. WoW—Hunter. Specifically Beast Mastery. I want to be a little fox (since I can’t be a werewolf, don’t like Alliance) that has 2 dinosaur pets. Living the dream.

  7. I prefer playing ranged in most things but I enjoy healing and dps so I flex depending on what’s needed, I just can’t tank haha 😅

  8. I usually go healer or crafter. I can do dungeons but I’m not much of a fighter.

    One of the reasons I really loved New World when it came out was I could level off of harvesting and crafting. I turned on murder podcasts and just veged out. I only really maxed my constitution so I could take hits and get out fast if I got in trouble. Funny story with that my husband and a friend of ours were dueling. Our friend was known as the glass cannon in our guild, he was MEAN and was amazing at PVP. I was high as hell, in gear I had found, not even wearing my PVP clothes and he challenged me to a dual. I knew I was gonna go down fast, but was like let’s go. I decimated him. He didn’t hit me once. I was shook 😂 he’s like “WHAT GEAR ARE YOU WEARING??” I proceeded to beat him twice more before he finally got me, I was laughing so hard and so stoned I couldn’t beat him again. My finest MMORPG moment 😂

  9. WoW. Tauren Druid here. 👋

    I’m currently Resto and have been since TBC. I fucking love healing. Seeing 25 health bars go down and knowing it’s up to ME to stop it just fills me with such joy.

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