How did you know that your wife wasn’t the one?

  1. Well if she already IS your wife, might aswell not destroy a family because someone cant handle a midlife crisis.

  2. Username is female?

    When divorce happens I guess, or she goes apeshit on you and beats the shit out of you mentally or physically.

  3. Our relationship gradually got worse over time and never got better.

    She was incapable of seeing any point of view but her own. All other points of view were not different but wrong.

    After a while I stopped arguing with her because there was no point; she never listened anyway. So I just stopped talking to her at all.

    After a few months she told me “our relationship is better now because we argue less”.

    Yeah…I stopped talking to you AT ALL (I only answered, never initiated) and you thought our relationship was better.

  4. She had an affair. As with all people who have affairs, or engage with married people, that revealed her true character. People without integrity can’t be trusted.

  5. She doubled her bodyweight after saying she wanted to get healthy.

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