I’m a 25F & he’s a 23M. We’ve been together since we were teens & I’ve always thought our sex life was great. Now that I’m getting older, I’m starting to feel less fulfilled. I crave these intense vaginal orgasms that rarely happen. He has made them happen, but only a handful of times throughout the relationship. I really don’t even know what he did differently to achieve them, but it’s not a regular thing that happens & it makes me feel the need to fuck someone else. I don’t want to cheat & break his heart but I’m craving mind blowing sex that just doesn’t consistently happen. His dick is bigger than average but maybe I need someone who stretches me out more? I’m really not sure what to do but I love him & would like to save the relationship.

Can anyone offer any advice or suggestions? Thank you!

  1. More foreplay

    Also don’t ruin your relationship with cheating. The grass isn’t always greener.

  2. Don’t cheat on him. That’s not cool.

    Explore some new things with him. Let him know what you like.

  3. Respectfully OP,

    What is typical sex with him consist of? How do you characterize a great session, what does that consist of?

    It’s possible you just need to find something new to try. (Role play, toys, ) is there a fantasy you or him have that’s reasonable to try?

  4. See a sex therapist, or a couples therapist who specializes in sex issues.

    Also, as you get older, it will get harder for you both….

  5. Work w him to more often give you what you want. Men and women both learn. Posts all over this forum are about folks not feeling adequate. Maybe if partners spoke more to SOs sex would be better for everyone.

  6. Don’t be afraid to explore something new, in other words, what you both could do different. Enhance and switch your routines and positions. Add something different that’s more kinky. Ropes, toys, roleplay, chains, whips, locations, food, stimulants, etc.

    Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay.

    Guide HIM so you can show him how you want to be pleased better.

    A sex therapist or some different sex books also has different guides to help improve.

    Sometimes it’s a matter of mind. What different options do you want to explore to be pleased?

  7. You’re getting bored, which is human. And you’re convincing yourself that there’s something wrong with your current relationship so you can justify seeking out something new. But that is the childish and uncaring way. If you REALLY want something different, own that instead of trying to unfairly pin it on your bf. Be a grown up and tell him. Either open up your relationship (he might be interested in trying something else, too), or end this one and move on.

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