We’ve all visited some pretty uninspiring places for more banal reasons or by virtue of being unfortunately born there… but what’s the most disappointing place you’ve visited with the intention of having a pleasurable time, be it a town, attraction, etc?

  1. The South Downs. Don’t get me wrong it’s pleasant enough but not worthy of National Park status compared to what we have in the north or what they have in Wales and Scotland.

  2. Stonehenge – you can’t go near it and it was raining at the time so it didn’t seem all that special

  3. Your mum’s bedroom.

    Serious answer though, Cadbury World is proper shit.

  4. Broadway, Worcestershire. Compared to other towns in the Cotswolds, the shops aren’t quite as interesting and there isn’t as much to do other than to climb up to Broadway Tower.

  5. Kavos, 20 years ago. Absolute disappointing shit hole. Wasn’t even allowed to flush the turd covered bog roll.

  6. Somerset… thought it would be like Cornwall but closer. It really wasn’t! Found it hostile and weird, we stayed in what was supposed to be a lively seaside village in half term, but everything opened for 2 hours on a Wednesday and that’s it.

  7. Nottingham Castle. What a complete and utter waste of time!

    Some really interesting history happened there, but instead they concentrate on a fictional character in tights.

    We left after a mostly boring hour.

  8. Berwick On Tweed. There was a decent bookshop near the station. A pub that served decent beer but was totally empty and had no atmosphere. And that was it.

  9. Andorra. In summer, it’s extremely boring having nothing to do except go to duty free shops or buy cheap vehicle fuel. It also has the problem of taking Spanish dining hours to extremes so there’s almost nowhere to eat at 20:00 local time, let alone earlier.

    The area of Catalunya just south of Andorra is much more interesting than the Principality itself.

  10. Basel in Switzerland. Had a romantic fascination with going there for years. It’s boring, expensive and just a bit shite really. When Alsace is just across the border on France what is the bloody point?

  11. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstalls River Cottage HQ. Absolute shitshow

  12. Pleasure Island in Cleethorpes was the worst amusement park I have ever been to in my life. In the end we all got bored of the rides and started jumping on and off the little train that went round the park, and none of the staff bothered to stop us because getting on and off a train going -300 mph was the most fun anyone had there in years. Someone was also sick on the big claw swing ride all over everyone.

    It’s shut down now, presumably because it was so shit.

  13. Vietnam. I’m not sure what I expected visiting a developing country but it felt like we spent 3 weeks looking at collapsed eco systems. I’m not sure what was the most depressing the open sewer rivers, silent jungles, empty skies, or dead coral reef. Food was also constantly disappointing and everyone in the cities seemed to be trying to rip off us off one way or the other. We had some good days but definitely the most expensive and least enjoyable holiday iv ever had.

  14. Barcelona, people think its on the same cultural level as Paris, Rome or London when it really isn’t, there is far less to see there compared to those three cities.

  15. Milton Keynes.

    It’s nice, they said.

    It has a beach, they said.

    It’s a fucking shit-hole!

  16. Muff in Ireland. Staying in Derry for a friend’s wedding and thought we’d visit Muff for a daft photo next to the sign (we were early 30s). Checking out what was in the town/village we fired up Google maps and discovered a listing for Muff Diving Center complete with photos and reviews. Fast forward 30 minutes and we were in the middle of a field next to an abattoir before we realised it was a fake business listing on Google.

  17. Land’s End. Not worth going out of your way for, plenty of much more worthwhile places to visit in Cornwall.

  18. Southport.

    It was a hot day last year and my wife decided we should have a day in blackpool with the kids, we got ready to set off and put it in google maps and it said 4hrs due to traffic (usually an hour from Manchester). Anyway my wife mentioned Southport so we put it in the maps and it was only 1hr10mins, great.

    Neither have us have ever been to Southport all we knew is that it had a beach and Arcades, we got there and decided to walk to the sea, we could see some other kids playing on a dinghy in the sea in the distance and assumed it would take us about 10 mins to walk to the sea, how wrong we were!

    It took us 45 mins to walk to the sea in 30c heat, when we got there the water was a really murky brown colour and the kids refused to go in it so we walked 45 mins back and by then we were all that pissed off we got back in the car and went home.

  19. [Portofino](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/80/Portofino_-_2016-06-02_-_View_from_Chiesa_San_Giorgio_-_3284.jpg) in Italy. Yes, it’s beautiful. See the big fucking yacht there? That’s the type of clientele they cater to. Also tour groups from cruise ships.

    Make the effort to get there yourself and you get crammed into [a small bus](https://flickr.com/photos/125899409@N08/48433324067/) from a train station 3.5 miles away. There are about 7 seats on the bus, so we’re talking standing room only.

    When you arrive, ask if a taxi back might be cheaper.

    [lmao no](https://d3cm515ijfiu6w.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/31112614/Mattia-Binotto-pulling-the-strings-from-PA.jpg)

    Pay €3.50 for an Espresso at a bar overlooking the sea.

    Say “fuck it” and get the ferry back to Santa Maria Ligure. But only after 3 ferry groups have got the next 3 boats outta town.

  20. Pretty much any seaside town, although I’ve never arranged the trips, just decided to tag along and I’ve regretted it almost every time.

  21. Hull, specifically the deep
    I don’t know, for such an impressive building I thought there wasn’t actually much content other than the big tank which you you only got a decent view of at a couple of spots.

  22. Well, it wasn’t strictly for pleasure but they do call it an amusement park and we took the Year 7s there one year. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Pleasurewood Hills, Great Yarmouth. No woods. No hills. Fuck all pleasure.

  23. Sealife in Trafford Centre. We got a really cheap deal for the tickets, so I don’t feel too aggrieved but we were done there in an hour and a bit. Small, dark, and crowded, lots of bottlenecks, we didn’t really feel comfortable in there.

  24. The Sherlock Holmes museum, only went there because the queue for Madame Tusaards was huge, it was really boring, I’ve heard Madame Tusaards is boring too though, so it would have been a shit day either way I guess

  25. Newquay. Went there in my early twenties. Supposed to be this fun, happening beach town, I just found it run down.

  26. Portmeirion. It’s just creepy and run down, and kind of desperately trying to be cheerful but failing, which makes it sad.

  27. Manchester christmas markets. Just felt like I was being ripped off at every turn and it was boring as well.

  28. Pisa. Wonky tower. Other wonky building. Lines of people doing the same hilarious 2 photos (pushing tower with both hands or 1 finger). Annoying pedlars selling overpriced tat. That’s it, apart from the airport.

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