So i(19m) am completely new to dating, honestly, I have little to no experience in terms of everything. I’ve been on 2 dates before, one was set up through a friend, and the other was a dating app match I got that like 3 days in she already wanted to go out, then immediately after ghosted. So now I’ve been talking to this girl(18f) for like almost 3 weeks, so like I feel like I can officially say we’re “talking” she told me early on she didn’t wanna meet so soon cause she’s had weird experiences with guys and yeah, she wanted to see if she actually liked me first. But liked she wanted to have a phone call like a week into talking, and she asked all the questions I feel like you’d ask on a date, but she’s been in relationships before, so I’m just following her lead now.

So ok cool, I got that 100%, early on she eas very like clingy, which sorta threw me off for a sec, but its jsut something I had to get used to ig, idk. So like a week and a half of us into talking, she just sorta goes quiet. Like she still asks me how I’m doing and stuff, but it’s less consistent, again, throwing me off but idk if that’s normal. So I say screw it, 2 weeks into us talking, im like, we’ll she’s gotta atleaat have an idea if she wants to meet or not, so I decided to ask her and all she said was that she didn’t know yet. I’m mainly wanna meet in person cause I’m super awkward during phone calls and texting, more me and stuff in person. Plus I don’t wanna be in a situation where it’s only online and then we meet after a bit and realize we don’t vibe at all

That made me think she just wasn’t interested at all, so I asked my friends and it was a 50/50 split. All the girls said to give her a week, but watch out if she acts weird, all my guy friends, except for 1, told me to ghost her. The one guy who said not to ghost her, told me to call her, tell her what I’m thinking, and just see wtf is happening and if im wasting my time. So I did that yesterday, I called her since it was her day off, she seemed tired so I didn’t wanna make the call long.

I decided to tell her, like if she’s not interested that’s fine but she still wants to keep going, to let me know and stuff, and how I feel like we’re tlaking less and less and idk wtf is going on. She tells me everything is good and she was jsut on her period, which makes sense cause the day before everything seemed to shift, she said she felt like she was getting her period. But yeah, she was making food since she just got back from a walk, and I was heading to the gym, so we said bye, I was happy that I was able to get a laugh(usually my main goal when talking to anyone is to atleast get a laugh, jsut a personal thing)

So to me personally, that made sense of why she didn’t wanna meet, and if she was more exhausted after work and why we didn’t talk much. Like I have a sister and mom, so I’ve experienced when they were on their period, and I mean, it matches up ig, like those days are when my sister would sleep the most or feel the most sick. So I mean, it makes sense, so I still feel like just giving it the 1 more week and see if anything changes. I feel like I’m atleast doing things right, idk, like I showed interest, said what I’m thinking, just trying to being open with communication. So if it doesn’t work out, I feel like I did everything I could on my end. But yeah, jsut wondering your thoughts on the situation? The main reason I’m willing to wait is cause honestly, it’s not like I’m tlaking to anyone else, dating apps aren’t exactly working out for me at all, and she’s ready sweet and interesting, so why not, I got the time. But yeah, your thoughts?

Edit: also if you want me to clarify anything, since I know my writing can be all over the place, yeah, ask please

1 comment
  1. You’re putting too much thought into this where you haven’t even met yet. When ppl are new to dating they do this thing where they treat someone who they’ve told they like them like they’re in a relationship already so don’t do that. You’re not really in a talking stage rn you’re just chatting.

    You’ve let her know that you wanna see her so now the ball is in her court. Let her tell you when she wants to see you out, if she ever does.

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