Hi. Ive never been in a relationship before. been single for 20 ish years and I am 20 something years old. Flirted with a few guys for fun but not to an extent of committing to a relationship. So, heres the prob…

Ive recently reconnected with a guy who has been my friend for 6 years. We are part of the same friend group. I felt an attraction towards him since day 1 (the day we met) but never had the guts to tell him for fear of ruining our frienship. Ever since we went our separate ways because of college, I have somewhat forgotten or slightly moved on from this attraction and tried to remain platonic. However, since we reconnected, I can’t help but feel attracted to him once again but this time it was more calm and not a crazy i wanna fuck you type of vibe.

We really have this weird vibe when we are together alone. It feels like he is giving me signs that he likes me but maybe he is just too friendly. When we facetime together with our friend group, I can’t help but think he’s giving me signs (e.g., gesturing an “I love you” sign out of the blue, mirroring my movements). Maybe I am paranoid for thinking about this. I am also conflicted because he is not really my type (we have virtually no common interests) and yet I somehow am attracted to him. Attraction as in this urge to want to hug him and be near him. I do not know how to process these emotions.

Is this just an unresolved attraction or infatuation? is this love? Should I tell him about how I feel or should I just remain distant and hope it goes away? Am I this desperate to have a romantic partner that I see my friend as a love object? Should I go for somebody else outside the friend group?


1 comment
  1. The longer u think about it the more u overthink. At least that’s how it goes for me. Honestly I think not having many common interests can make relationships fun too. You can introduce them to new things.

    You can ask him on a date and see what happens. I don’t think ur friend would dislike u if u asked him on a date.

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