So my boyfriend (19M) and I (22F) have been dating (long distance) for almost 5 months and I feel like he has stopped loving me. We keep having consistent arguments and fights about this topic and he says he will try his best and put in more effort but it hasn’t really been improving. I’m just confused as to why he would stop showing and doing all the affectionate things he would do to try and “win my love”. Has he fallen out of love with me and can’t tell me because he doesn’t want to break my heart? Ugh I just miss the times when he would put in more effort and randomly send me nice texts, make videos about us and just seem overall happy to talk.

Is there a way I can potentially get over feeling like this so he doesn’t think I’m too needy or have high expectations.

TL;DR: I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t love me because he has stopped doing all the nice things that made me feel loved and fall in love with him.

  1. Look up “love bombing.” Some people act totally different when they’re riding the high of a new relationship, and then they regress back to their regular personality once things settle in.

    You may just be seeing his regular personality. Without any details we really can’t tell if you’re being overly needy or not, but it definitely sounds like your boyfriend has just settled back into a routine and this is likely his everyday personality

  2. Honestly all I can say is relationship are tough and it’s all about communication and 5 months and long distance is really tough! I’m sure he is still in love with you maybe he is just finding it difficult knwoinf he can’t always be around you

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