Ima shy introvert
Yesterday I called this mnc customer care for service and this guy recived the call and i already planned and wrote all the possible outcomes and questions in my mind so that I’ll not be panicked cause I didn’t talked to someone new ( I’ve only 2 friends to talk on call and have no friends irl or in offline so that I can meet them) in last 2-3 years, so on call it was all going well for about some minutes, I’m a observer lol so i literally felt like he’s so done with his job cause his tone was so off and have getting vibe like that, so as he was questioning me about this appliance and he started asking me more and for that question I wasn’t prepared and I didn’t replied as become panicked and was like about to cry cause of his tone and I cut the call immediately by saying “I CAN’T HEAR YOU” and then blocked customer service no. And my breathing become so fast and even my heart beat and I’ve this condition that whenever I’m in some awkward or panic situation my ears become so hot and my hands so cold so that happened too and last night I didn’t even come out of my room.

Do anyone have some advice for me so that next time i can get through all these if some how I’ve to be in these type of situation again?

1 comment
  1. This has to be some important appliance lol. Understand these people has a bigger list of questions than the ones you though of and he’s doing his job and maybe don’t like it. Anyways the only advise I can give is to practice deep breathing exercises, if you call again in your notes write BREATH CAMLY, and read it every time you feel the panic appearing. This helps me in social situations, I just close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. You can always be like one second, and put the phone down to calm down. You can do this!

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