I miss 90s and early 2000s technology. CRT TVs, flip phones, and the occasional Furby. What’s something you miss?

  1. Probably not being tracked all the time by all the apps, even though I disable as much as possible, there’s probably lots going on behind the scenes with our smartphones.

    Another thing is the ridiculous amount of time and effort people put into their social media, one of the things I go completely without(except reddit, lol) because I think it can take over one’s life.

  2. I miss playing Pokemon Red on my Gameboy Color at all hours of the night until my parents would yell at me to turn it off and get ready for school. I miss the Saturday shows like Dexter’s Laboratory and Looney Toons. And I miss the days before Social media seemed to make everyone compete with one another over who has a “cooler life.”

  3. The original iPod. We were just grateful it could fit in our pockets unlike a walkman and jam out before our basketball games.

  4. I don’t necessarily miss any one piece of technology from that era, but I miss that era of technology in general if that makes sense. We had a lot of cool shit but it was before technology completely ruled our lives.

  5. I miss when the internet was still innocent. When you could easily find what youtube video you were looking for, and when people made youtube videos just for fun. I miss the old memes that had their own sense of humor. Boxxy, Good Guy Greg, Scumbag Steve, Philosaraptor, Advice Dog, Double Rainbow, Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Yo Taylor yo-yo Taylor, I’m really happy for youuuu imma let beyonce let you finish, Charlay bit meee, Steven you SUCK at guitar! Now I will show you how to be HARDCORE! Badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM! It’s overrrrr NINEEE THOUSAAAAANNNNNNDDDD!

  6. It probably won’t make sense to the younger people here, but I miss going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video to find a movie. I love to read as well and I miss actual printed books. Admittedly, I’ve embraced Kindle and it does have a lot of advantages, but it’s missing something visceral.

    Likewise buying music on vinyl, cassette tape, or even CD.

    I miss the days when I had a phone that was permanently mounted on the wall in my kitchen. If someone called when I wasn’t home, who cares? If it’s important, they’ll call back.

    I do appreciate technology, especially having essentially a super computer in my pocket, but I miss the old days.

  7. Arcades and water parks were huge when I was a kid now most of them are closed.

  8. Getting your friends together to play 4-player games on a N64, usually accompanied with pizza and ice cream

  9. I miss sneaking upstairs after bedtime and seeing my parents happy, on the couch, watching The X-Files or Cheers and thinking I want to stay up late and I can’t wait until I’m old enough to do so. Now I’m sitting here at 35 watching The X-Files and missing those days when everything was much simpler and everyone was happier!

  10. Pre-influencer economy. I guess I never really experienced it and there’s always been “influence” somewhere in the process, but from what I’ve heard, there was a time when a company just sold stuff and you bought what you wanted or needed. I’m tired of being marketed to by people I don’t care about for things I don’t desire. In some ways marketing/advertising getting more specific to users is good because we can filter out irrelevant interests, but the remaining stuff is still full of snake oil sales. Lots of views/clicks = lots of money and resources = I’m going to see something everywhere even if I don’t want to

  11. I’m with you on the flip phones. This touchscreen bullshit can fuck right off. Give me a solid keypad any day. Full text conversations without having to look at the screen when typing? Yes please.

  12. I grew up in the pre-digital era. I can remember the first time I ripped and burned CDs. It seemed really magical pulling the still-warm CD out of the drawer.

    I can also remember back when people on radio and TV would spell out the address of a website like, “If you want to learn more, go to *double-u, double-u, double-u dot thiswebsite*…and spell it all as one word without spaces…*dot com*.”

  13. I have 3 kids and they have no idea what I’m talking about when I tell them to just…let life happen, figure some things out in the moment. My 12 year old looks at me like I’m ancient when I tell her that I was NEVER in my house over summer breaks except to sleep and eat. That the only way I would find my friends was to physically ride my bike around town and find them.

    I guess I just miss the innocence of it all. My oldest LOVES Stranger Things (I’ve only seen the 1st Season) and I try explaining to her that the childhood independence in that show is so incredibly accurate. She just…refuses to believe that kids had to go out and just make their own fun.

    As for SOMETHING I really miss… it’s game/movie rental stores. That was just…the BEST. Browsing the aisles with Mom and Dad or with a couple of buddies and just enough cash in your pocket to get a new game/movie and a treat.

  14. I miss buying products, not being the product. I miss owning technology with the expectation it would last many years with the ability to fix it within reason. I miss technology being made for the sole purpose to improve your quality of life, not to create FOMO and want. I miss early social media when it was about connecting, not clout chasing and displaying a fake life. I miss a lot of cool stuff


    yes am shouting

    CRT tvs no way. have you ever tried to move those things

  16. I really miss the ability to own a home and 2 new cars while working a normal fucking job.

  17. The internet before it was completely corporate, shallow, sanitized, and invasive.

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