How comfortable are you with being seen shirtless or in your underwear by people other than your partner, and in what situations?

  1. It bothers others more and my wife if in public than i even think about it.

  2. I barely feel comfortable with my partner seeing me naked, let alone anyone else

  3. Not very. I was cursed with being smaller endowed and am very insecure about it, so I feel like people would judge.

  4. I’ve never enjoyed clothes. Over half a century I’ve been seen naked by thousands of people. Nothing negative ever happened. Naked is our default human condition. All those fabric coverings are an artificial and often uncomfortable affectation. Being seen as a human by other humans causes no harm whatever.

    I’m completely comfortable being seen by other people in whatever situation.

  5. Beach ok. My family and wife ok. Pool ok. If I wčdo some heavy work outside on sun also ok.

    Shit, guess I’m ok with that.

    Also have a dad body, I’m not super model, but not too fat either.

  6. The vast majority of the times this happens it’s in a situation where its normal, ie changing room, beach etc. When I was younger, I was too nervous as I felt so skinny and “weak”. Now I’m happy with my body image and don’t mind showing off.

  7. I’d be going full Doc Manhattan if it wouldn’t get me arrested.

  8. Don’t care. Could be a bit more muscly but I don’t care much. It’s very easy for me to get toned, not so easy to get muscly so I just know if things get too bad I can hit the gym for a few months and look pretty presentable lol.

  9. depends how they’re looking at me. if they’re scrutinising, very uncomfortable. if it’s just a fact of life that I have no clothes on, I don’t care. they can notice, they can know I have no clothes while I’m in sight line, but if they’re actively paying attention I’ll be uncomfortable.

  10. I don’t like being naked in front of anyone except my partner. That includes taking off my shirt. I’m just not comfortable with my body, and honestly I’m quite jealous of others out there who rip off their shirt the first chance they get.

    I’m not exactly unfit either. I just have social anxiety, and fear being embarrassed.

  11. I wear speedo shorts on the beach. I’m often shirtless in the gym, especially with days in the mid to high 90s (CrossFit). No shirt when I’m doing yard work. I think I’d be comfortable going nude if there was a late night hot tub or skinny dip thing and didn’t have a change of clothes

    I wear clothes when friends and family are at the house, but otherwise I’m probably shirtless or in underwear.

  12. At the pool or beach I’m more than comfortable being shirtless and in swim trunks.

  13. I don’t mind being seen shirtless or in my underwear as long as the other person is OK with it. I do get very uncomfortable if I’m not sure that they’re OK with it.

  14. I honestly don’t give a shit (and judging by the comments I’m not the only one).

    I follow stipulated dress codes everywhere (e.g shirts in my workplace) but beyond that idgaf. If I am roaming around in my bedroom buck naked and you decide to snoop on me that’s a you problem, not a me problem.

    Edit: I should mention that I am an introvert, and am averagely endowed. Regardless, I have never had problems roaming around in my speedos at pools/beaches .

  15. shirtless, no problem at all. Hope you like a dad bod/beer belly. If not then look away. It’s hot, I like to swim, I’m not wearing a shirt if I don’t have to in the summer.

  16. At the gym or sauna it’s fine. Gotta shower at the gym and maybe use the steam room. At the sauna clothes are not allowed. Maybe showing skin is more of an issue in the US.

  17. I’m cool with having a sauna naked with strangers, but then again I’m a Finn

  18. Id walk around in my boxers in this weather if people wouldn’t ring the police. Not showing my cock off though

  19. Not that I have anything to show off… but totally comfortable in most cases. I guess that happens when you get older. Just stop giving a fuck.

    I would be uncomfortable with full frontal nudity though in public (gym locker room is OK) because I’m a grower. Sometimes I can be as small as an inch flaccid. And nobody needs to see that.

  20. I feel uncomfortable being naked when it’s just me. No idea about in just my underwear. Pretty uncomfortable without a shirt on even around family

  21. Shirtless – I don’t care. I got a sweet farmers tan

    In my undies – eh could go either way.

  22. Perfectly comfortable in any situation where it would make sense for them to see me as such. I would not walk around shirtless at work. I would feel incredibly uncomfortable because it is not the place for me to be shirtless. My doctor, their residents, and their scribes see me in boxers and I feel completely comfortable. When my wife was in medschool I acted as a fake patient for her female med students to practice their physicals on, and that was entirely in just my boxers. I am nude while getting a massage, and if the masseuse saw my sausage while I was flipping I would not care in the slightest, although that is highly unlikely with the way they drape the towel.

  23. I’m not. I’m pretty buff and tan. Most people are pretty surprised.

  24. Right now, absolutely none at all. After this fall when I have surgery to remove these cursed moobs, I’ll be shirtless constantly, come at me.

    As for underwear, I save that for just my partner. I have some tattoos that I wouldn’t want to show off to friends and family.

  25. I am married with kids. I have no modesty taboo. If you don’t like what you see, don’t look. If you’re staring, I will assume you see something you like.

  26. Shirtless, comfortable.

    In my underwear not really.

    Shirtless can be something like a public pool or beach. Underwear only while drinking.

  27. I work outside. And I need to tan my chest.

    I wear only a short as much as I can.

  28. I run shirtless, yet again I have sculpted a fucking temple. 7 years of hard work pays off dividends…

  29. Shirtless: At the beach or the pool, which happens almost never.

    Undies: Male roommates which I’m very close with. Hell, if it’s super hot out (as it currently has been, god I love summer /s), I’ll meet the Uber Eats person in my underwear

  30. I feel like age/height/weight matter for this. M28, 5’9, 190lbs.

    The only time I’m uncomfortable being seen shirtless or in my boxers is when my neighbors young kids see me in my backyard from their balcony and yell/wave “hello”. My next door neighbors on both sides have balcony’s connected to their kitchen that can see straight into my backyard, sometimes I just want to hang out with my golden retrievers, sipping coffee in my boxers, at 7:30AM on a Saturday.

    Any other time I really don’t care assuming it’s appropriate to be shirtless/in boxers only.

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