For example, You love when your girlfriend has her hair in a certain way or when she wears certain earrings. Will she be willing to wear what you like to satisfy you or does she dress however she wants to dress whether you like it or not?

  1. How their hair it styled has honestly never made a difference. I would probably notice if she had no hair, but j honestly could take less.

  2. As a woman I try to do things my SO likes. Like I take him with me to the store to smell lotions and body sprays before I buy them so I can make sure he likes them. Sometimes before I shower for the night I’ll ask him which scent he wants me to smell like and he’ll pick one. He has a favorite set of PJs that he likes me to wear so I wear them every night, when I do my makeup so I’ll do it sometimes, he likes when I have my nails done so I will do them. He says he prefers when I don’t skip shaves so I don’t skip them lol it’s not that hard to do little things he likes.

  3. My ex wife was kinda weird about this.

    I once mentioned an actress had nice (blue) eyes – she went out and got colored contacts that just didn’t suit her (I actually preferred her natural eye color even more than the actress I foolishly said something nice about…but she wouldn’t believe me and wore these silly contacts for weeks)

    She had died her hair black for years which is how I met her. I saw an old photo and complimented her natural color – she went out and bleached her hair so she could dye it back to her natural color – the stylist did a bad job leaving her in tears – and my wife got mad at me over it!

    I never asked her to change, she’d just run to the hills trying to be whoever she thought I wanted her to be – and then resent me for it!

  4. I’ve honestly never really cared. My wife is beautiful as fuck in whatever she wears and whatever hair style she chooses. She probably would but it’s not something I would ask.

  5. None of my partners ever did that. They all asked me what I would like, only to end up doing something completely different, sometimes even the exact opposite of what I said. And then they got pissed because I didn’t shower them with compliments. It’s a very particular power game women like to play. At some point I stopped answering any questions.

  6. When it comes to lingerie and nail color she makes me pick what I like but everything else is pretty much left up to her. She’s hot, hot people look good in everything so she really doesn’t need my help

  7. I’m dating a white girl, but I have a preference for black women. My GF wears blackface most nights out to accommodate me. I use a penis extender for her.

    Relationships are about compromise.

  8. Ok so I would never have her “cater” to my tastes, she’s her own person and can wear whatever TF she wants.
    (And I actually know someone that has to wake up and throw on “her face” as soon as she gets up, even if they’re just gonna stay around the house because that’s what her douchebag dude likes and it’s really sad).

  9. I can’t think of something my wife does that matches the question really.

    If she wants to get my attention she’ll wear a shorter dress/skirt and stop farting around me for a while but that’s about it

  10. I don’t really have requests for how my gf looks; if I am dating her, I’ve already decided I like how she looks.

  11. For sex/hanging out at home, pretty regularly. I’ve never asked her to wear something just because I like it when we’re in public. How she wants to express herself to the rest of the world has nothing to do with me. I just feel like it’s a subject best left alone.

  12. Sometimes, I guess. There are certain fashions and looks that I’m into and she isn’t, and vice versa.

  13. She keeps her hair a certain length, and since she likes to dye her hair a clearer shade of her natural color, she usually checks with me about a different tone. Every now I then I buy her some clothes or pajamas I think she’ll like and that I’d like to see her in, and she wears them.

  14. I think it’s best to just let them do whatever they want, looks-wise. Our opinion means nothing.

  15. Women need to do and wear whatever they want. A man’s opinion is completely irrelevant.

    I would never ask my girlfriend to adapt to my preferences. It’s her body, so she gets to decide what she does or wears or whatever. And hey, she is perfect and gorgeous, no matter what. <3

    Luckily, she makes decisions that I like, so I am lucky. 😉

    I love her long hair, and she loves it too. She often said that she would never want short hair. However, if she changed her mind and would go for short hair, I would respect her decision.

    She shaves her body hair because she prefers having smooth skin. However, if she decided to let it grow, that’s fine as well.

    She wears very revealing outfits and exposes as much skin as she can get away with, because she feels more comfortable that way. Some men would complain if their partner shows even the slightest bit of skin, but I am happy that someone who used to hate her curves is confident enough to say ‘fuck it’ and show off her thick sexy body. And of course it turns me on to see her show skin. But if she decided to cover up, I would accept that.

  16. He rarely comments on what I wear or how I do my hair or makeup. He doesn’t have to, I know how he loves how I look 🙂 even if I don’t… but there are a couple things I know he loves and maybe not my favorite… he loves big hoop earrings and red lipstick and when I do either or both, he definitely notices and appreciates it and I love that!

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